Best shooter game?

Lmao I probably will. :D
If you want cash just try and get money from relatives during your birthday or Christmas. (I'm a devious girl. :D) Or do the more practical thing and get a job. Once I turn 16 my family said I'm getting a job so I'm working during vacation. :prrr:

Mooch off of relatives, or get a job... hmmmm... tough decision, i'nit?

Jokes aside, I plan to get a job real soon, then I can stop whinning about being a poor snob whenever I see the chance, lol.

Then I can complain about my low pay instead. :lol:
I'm trying to prove to my sister that I can get an Xbox 360 or PS3 without having to be a hardcore gamer like she thinks. What are the best shooter games for the Wii? Please keep in mind I'm a girl and I've never played ANY TYPE of shooting game before (I'm more into RPG.) Thanks a bunch! :)

I am suprised that nobody suggested rail-shooters, as surely they would be the best place to start for a newbie. I'm also shocked that nobody mentioned the BEST shooters on the Wii, those being SIN & PUNISHMENT: STAR SUCCESSOR and GOLDENEYE.

On-rails shooters:
Sin & Punishment Star Successor
Dead Space Extraction
Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles/Darkside Chronicles
Ghost Squad
Link's Cossbow Training

First Person Shooters:
Call of Duty Modern Warfare/Black Ops
Medal of Honour Heroes 2 (although the online multiplayer no longer works it has FPS and on-rails modes)

Games that have shooting but other stuff too:
Metroid Prime Trilogy (more of an adventure/exploration with shooting)
Red Steel 2 (more of a slasher than shooter)

Oh and if you are into RPGs then take a look at Rune Factory Frontier or Sakura Wars, they are the best RPGS on the Wii imo.
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Sin & Punishment Star Successor

Woahwoahwoah. Sin & Punishment? For a newbie? :lol: Unless Star Successor is all the more easier than the N64 one, can't say I could agree with that.

Shame on me for not mentioning Link's Crossbow Training, or especially Ghost Squad... I've got a copy of it collecting dust somewhere, a bargain at $10 and a great party game. Like any good arcade game/arcade adaption.
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@raisinghelenThanks for the help! :) That's a lot of games I'll check them out when I'm back at home. :D@WiiAssassinHey now no need to get sassy. :p

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