What are your Loadouts and how do you label them?

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mayhemhvysnp - strata, heavy hitter, snap shot.
boomboom - masterson
wasilence - silenced wa with masterson.
Lock 'N Load: Strata | Anova | Remote Mines | Multi-Task | Silencer
Make It Hurt: Anova | Strata | Remote Mines | Multi-Task | Silencer
Hard Hittin': Strauger | Strata | Remote Mines | Multi-Task | Reflex Sight
Snipe 'Em: Talon | Strauger | Remote Mines | Multi-Task | Thermal Scope
Shhhhnipe 'Em: WA2000 | Anova | Remote Mines | Multi-Task | Silencer
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My Favourite Loadout is a PT-9 Interdictus with it's secondary P99,Hi cap Magazine,Heavy Hitter,Bio Booster and a reflex sight I call it Le Dominator because when ever I play a game with it at least 2 people leave from having a nerd rage of dying every 10 seconds.
I used to name my loadouts with some degree of straight-forwardness... Terra Sil, Anova HH, etc... Now I just go with more obvious ones...
1) Kill em lots
2) Kill em more
3) Kill em again
4) For that little brat
5) I've had it
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I just like seeing "kill kill kill"^^^

you guys have only silly names to put on your loadouts
quoting personal explanations of what you remember having

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You can end this thread
Well, in my opinion, the thread should'a been done as soon as Magikarp was mentioned. BEST NAME EVER! :D

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