time for a sub


WiiChat Member
Jun 21, 2011
ok im sure its been done before- but blah, blahblaaaah, blh, blah... i didn't see it if it was.


ive been switching my customs a bit lately trying to find the sub for me.

im only lvl 27 so its sig, sig9 and stauger only for me. i believe a lot of it has to do with playing style, but then im a noob so what do i know?

personally i find my most dealiest sub loadout to always be hh,highcap and bb. i have 2 customs- one with reflex one with silencer.

the real question is - which is best for me: in my mind its the sig9- it suits my game style... ive had mixed success with the stauger.... ye against lower lvls it fine, but against people with bio boost- unless i get a head shot- or they also are on a stauger, then i find it hard to kill them without being killed myself.

the sig 9 tho- although not the most damaging of the two- its speed of fire- a short super fast burst that kills most ppl. even those with bio boost. its range is poorer i know... but its a sub machine gun, ot a sniper rifle. its for close in your face stuff.

thats my thoughts on what i can use.... whats your opinions...

and for when i lvl up somemore- what subs in future? (yes ill use vargen for achievements but after that im not sure)

strata i like- its a similar style wep to the sig9, as far as game style goes for me.

waffle over- what do you guys say/
How much ammo does it take to kill someone with the sig? Last I recall it takes damned near the entire magazine. Go with the stauger default loadout.
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im using high cap so i get 38 bullets per load... kills are between 2-8 bullets each- id probaly say an average of 7, but then 92% of all stats are made up :wink: remember though, thats the sig9 not just the mini sig.

i seem to get both a higher score AND higher kdr when i use the sig9

what im not sure- is this the gun... or is it me? is it all just in my head?
Lol I had the same dilemma, wanted to use the Stauger but something kept calling me back to the Sig. However, I made myself use the Stauger and eventually I stuck with it. Hardly use it now, even close quarter I use the terra with reflex sight.
Silencer with staug. Ive noticed a sharp decline iin accuracy when using a reflex sight on staug. I put on HH, distraction (I averaged 2-3 kills in one clip sometimes), and BB (prettymuch standard on alll of my loadouts)
My tip for any silenced loadout is HH & SS......even on the strata.....not the ivana though :yesnod:

The silencer & SS increase the accuracy + HH compensates for the loss of power = perfect

Your Welcome :wink:
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ye- i tried all the available combinations and for me the only advantage in the stauger is- over a real long range i can still kill quite easily- though with sig9 its spray and pray at that range.

switched back to the 2 loadouts with stauger again last night- before i cracked open a can- and my scoring/kdr was down as always. its not dramatically down- but its always a little lower- though tbh my best kill streak (16) was on gg using my stauger/reflex/hh/highcap/bb setup- although for last 5 kills i picked up some dudes terra, i was only just lvl 20 then.

it MUST just be me and my play style- or maybe its everyone elses play style. (yes i do strafe sometimes- but often against lower lvls in particular, i find that a straight march at them and a short burst takes them out as they try to strafe outta my way. works on higher lvls too as they are expecting the strafe. if i try this on stauger though- i find the rate of fire can let me down if the opponent has bb or armour or a faster gun.)
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had to switch back to the sig9.... may aswell close this thread now- ive come to my conclusion:

no matter what ANYONE on any site says.... i just can NOT use the stauger to the same effect as i can the sig9- thing is ive probably used stauger more and still im much better with the sig9
crazygrant ... why do you want to use a submachine?
i only used terralite (i think from lvl 24 on) till i got anova (lvl 41).
but now i'm only using strata :D
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why submachine guns....?

well because on certain lvls like archives (yes im a sub guy there) and nightclub- my kdr is much superior with a sub- due to my game style no doubt... where i like the terra- there are points where a sub suits better.
Terra on everything event close maps then its time to use the shotguns. Works, trust me ;-) I don't even use the vargen tbh. But each to their own.
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dont get me wrong- im learning to do that... but when your team is down 30-20 its time to go with what you are good at lol...

so i guess its my backup loadout- the sub- though tbh im not much of shotgunner. i did all my lvls as soon as i could, but id prefer to kill you with my sub before you get close enough for me to need a shotty. like you said- each to their own.
Yep but legging it round the archives means you're usually close enough to do damage with the shotgun. I never thought I'd use a shotgun to be fair but I've had a few good games with it in archives. I keep trying to use the vargen (bit like you and the Stauger) on different maps but always end up back with the Terra. Dude I hope you're using your Terra as much as possible as once sussed that gun pretty much covers everything for quite a few levels, well for me anyway.
vargen (p90) with reflex is amazing. I get sooooooo many headshots than before.

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