What are your chances of surviving a zombie apocalypse

If there is one thing Dead Rising has taught me, it's that shower heads a gory and funny way to dispose of zombies :yesnod:

Shower heads are good weapons against zombies, right?
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For those that missed it
Darkprinny said:
^^^Has never seen Hukoto no ken
Do a Shin if there is no hope left

Reison behind a high rise - Usealy there full of things that can be used to block doors and have a helipad in case theres a helicopter
Very true, however I recommend keeping rope on you at ALL TIMES!. If all else fails you can always tie it off and repel down if you find yourself trapped on the roof. (BTW, do you know how to operate a helicopter?) :)

Everyone always talks about guns in an zombie crisis, however guns and ammo will become like gold rather quickly, so expect there numbers to decrease in availability rapidly to almost non-existent in about a week's time. (Everyone is going to want them, horde them, and those used by the fallen will be either low or out of ammo) ...
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Females are needed to repopulate the human race

Unless the baby becomes a zombie

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