What are some good 360 games?


WiiChat Member
Mar 21, 2007
Christmas is getting closer and im pretty sure we will get a 360 this year so can anyone tell me what good games there are currently available for it?

I know about GOW, Bioshock, Halo 3, COD4, Assassins Creed, Guitar Hero 3 and Mass Effect but what else is worth getting? I am only really interested in Mass Effect and maybe Guitar Hero 3 out of those.

I am not after FPS' on 360 as i would rather play them on PC or Wii due to the controls. Im looking for adventure, racing type games and basically anything outside of FPS.

Suggestions appreciated. :)
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I know Gears of War.

What kind of game is Oblivion exactly? Ive heard it mentioned before and im guessing its an adventure/rpg type of thing, is it story driven?
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Thanks, looks like something i might indeed be interested in. It was useful to have a PC comparison there too as i often wonder which is the better to buy a game on.

What else is there? I need some good driving games.
I was just about to ask if you like driving games, so here is my take.

Simulation, realistic driving, go with Forza 2, amazing graphics and gameplay, and a lot of cars to choose from and you can customize and improve the performance of the cars.

Other good ones I've played and enjoy are PGR 3 & 4, and Test Drive Unlimited (the game is based in Hawaii, and you can drive around the island, buying houses, cars, motorcycles, and it is pretty realistic in the way the cars handle).

If you like real arcade type racing the Need For Speed games and Juiced 2 are not realistic at all, but you can customize the cars quite a bit.

Also the game Dirt is fun, but I don't know if you like offroad type racing. You can download the demo and check it out.

Hopefully I helped, and if you have any questions let me know.
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I bought a 360 Elite in August even though I said I never would. Had the Wii since Dec 26, 2006. Son has his own 360 Premium.

I got mine simply because I got tired of "begging" :) to play his.

Crackdown was the culpret. It's freaking cool. Single player mode is one of the few single player games I've ever liked. I still replay it from scratch.

Other than that, my current keeps are Earth Defense Force (supports two player on the same screen), Halo3 (IMHO, it's OK). I've started playing Oblivion since my neighbor gave it to me for free.

I have but don't really play: Halo2, Ghost Recon 1&2, Mech Assault (wolf something), and something else.

I've tried but don't like: GOW, Bioshock, Halo 3, COD4, Assassins Creed, Guitar Hero 3. GoW, Halo3, COD4 and AC all get repetative. Yes they look awsome, but my son liked them the first time through. However, he quickly sold them as used.

I can't stand driving games with the 360 controller. I prefer FPS's with the Wiimote or my killer PC. I keep thinking I need to get a steering wheel.

I do like quite of a few of the XboxLive games. Some are free now.

I suggest you get the Elite. Yes it's more expensive, but the extra 100GB makes a huge difference. Also, get an extra wireless controller and a memory card.

Why the memory card since you have a HDD? Because I've had my save game files crap out on me. The first time that happened I went an bought a 360 memory card (can't use SD cards), and weekly (or when I've hit a major achievement) back my saves up to it.

Also, get an extra headset for the 2nd controller. That way two people can play online at the same time and chat with the remote players too.
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Thanks for all the suggestions. Ive been searching around myself too, does anyone have Eternal Sonata or FlatOut:Ultimate Carnage and are they good? They seem to have pretty good review scores from what ive seen.
Well, there's:


The Orange Box


Blue Dragon (if you're into RPG games like Dragon Quest/Final Fantasy)
Eternal Sonata (never played it before, but it has good reviews, so..)

If you're into racing games, then:

Need For Speed: Most Wanted
Burnout 4 ( i think that's the one.. or was it Burnout 5. hmm)
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Not really interested in 360 FPS because i hate analogue aiming but The Orange Box could be one that id get.

Not heard of Blue Dragon before but i'll check that out too.

My buddy is really into arcade style racers so Burnout would probably suit him, i heard theres a new one coming out though so we'll wait and see what its like.

So far on my list i got:
Mass Effect
Eternal Sonata
FlatOut:Ultimate Carnage
The Simpsons

Last couple are not my choices but the 360s not just for me.

Any good beat em ups? I used to like the DOA series and my buddy likes Backyard Wrestling.
Do you have a PC? If so, drop the Orange Box for the 360 and get it for the PC. Much more enjoyable on the PC.

I still highly recommend Crackdown and Earth Defense Force 2017. Both are found cheap and are just great fun. EDF2017 is a great co-op splitscreen game.
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Ahh good idea about the Orange Box. That is often a concern when i look at 360 games, would they be better on PC.

I'll look out for Crackdown or Earth Defense Force 2017 and give them a try. Even better if they are older games that are available at a budget price.

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