What anime show would you want to come back

Maison Ikkoku. They should've left Nikkaido in it too. Wait was that even dubbed? Well I wanna see Nikkaido.

Dunno what Maison Ikkoku is?


A manga by Rumiko Takahashi(List of works Ranma 1/2(want it back), InuYasha(feh... in my opinion her worst), Urusei Yatsura(MOOORE, Maison Ikkoku(Nikkaido in the anime please!!, Mermaid Saga(MOOOOOOORE)

"Maison Ikkoku is a bitter-sweet comedic romance involving a group of madcap people who live in a boarding house in 80s Tokyo. The story focuses primarily on the blossoming relationship between Yusaku Godai—a poor student down on his luck—and Kyoko Otonashi, the young, recently-widowed boarding house manager."

YEA I WANT IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish InuYasha got new episodes. They ended the series RIGHT as it was getting interesting. You barely get to see Mouyomaru, before Akago is inserted inside him! InuYasha had just barely got the adamant barrage, they don't even give him the Dragon scaled Tetsusaiga. Come on, Japanese creators, make more episodes, it was just starting to get good...
Groves said:
Azumanga Diaoh.

I know many others won't want this to come back, but I found this hillarious and I'd love to see what happened to the girls after they left school. This anime made me laugh the most out of all of the animes I've watched.

It ended
Every thing was rapped up on the last ep
Usless its a OVA showing them all ten years later theres no chance
(mmmmmmm Sakai ten years later)
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i have 3 hamtaro videos i want that back azumanga daioh and DN Angel since i just finish the series
I'd like to see more Fullmetal Alchemist.

I'd like to see what Ed and Al do in our world and more of Amestris
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more ghost stories idk if it ended but i dont get it anymore ondemand
Ahhhhhh i just finished of watching the anime capeta, and it seems pretty sweet, i want it to come back to show how capeta gets to become a formula 1 driver. (Capeta is an anime show based on a dude named capeta whose a kart racer trying to race against a rival named naomi >.>, The problem is whenever capeta advances to the next stage to catch up with naomi, naomi always advances to another stage(e.g. karts --> forumula stella --> F3-->F1 i think lol not sure XD)
Cowboy bebop
A prequel sires is fine to

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