Favorite anime of 2011


SSS Member
Jul 17, 2011
that's classified
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Since nobody wanted to talk about new animes ill go with this thread, what is your favorite anime that was aired 2011. (dubbed included)
Ill wait till the year ends till I past judgement.

I can tell you what the worst to come out this year is
Good job ruining a character that was badarse by making her do that "Cute schoolgirl cluts" stuff

Acutely im going to just roll with Gintama and Kaiji s2
sora...mmmmmmmmmmmmm :wink:
so far id say Deadman Wonderland, still alot more to come during the fall and winter releases though
Dont be silly. Thats been going for years
I usually dont do animes due to the trend of slow pace they have so I let my friends get me hip to some they think I would like. Right now Im watching a great one my friend showed me called Soul Eater. It came out State side this year even though its been out in Japan for a while. Almost done watching it.

English dub FTW
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"Of 2011"Naruto ChipnhamNope that isnt classed as "of 2011" just being on in 2011
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I usually dont do animes due to the trend of slow pace they have so I let my friends get me hip to some they think I would like. Right now Im watching a great one my friend showed me called Soul Eater. It came out State side this year even though its been out in Japan for a while. Almost done watching it.

English dub FTW
soul eater came out dubbed like 2 years ago lol thats when i first watched it dubbed. The dubbed voices were actually good.

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