Wendy's Wii Toys

Mr.Selfdestruct said:
I hate to get into a Frosty argument, but NO THEY ARE NOT MADE OF LARD!!

Lard is Pig Fat !!

Milk + Choclate + cold = FROSTY !

And for the guy in Australia, i think the meat for Wendy's patties actually comes from Australia, you guys have tasty cows down there.

BTW i'd love to go to Australia someday.


Why would they do that? Unless of course McDonalds' buys all the cows in America, turns their brains and stomachs into cheeseburgers and throws the rest of the cow in a pit to rot for a few years. And then sell it to Burger King to flavour their shakes. :lol::lol::scared:
chach said:
eww Mcdonalds is gross! Either way i dont eat fast food it is not healthy for you.. but if im gonna eat anything it is wendys all their food is cooked in natural oil and their chicken nuggets are good.

i agree w/ u, but i prefer chik-fil-a.
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I should mention that the Wendys near me was so ghetto that it -
Stuck the WiiMote to the toy display BACKWARDS so you are looking at the battery cover
Put the truck in a random spot on the board near none of the words
The baseball game was sitting at the bottom of the display not stuck to anything.

Oh and they had a sign on the door that said "Chairs for sale 5$ - See manager" and it looked like it was printed in MSPaint.
I only go to Wendys because you can choose a bunch of different sides with your meal... salad, fries, nuggets, chili, baked potato, etc...

99 cent caeser salad = delicious.

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