Just a kids toy?

No exactly

Darkprinny said:
Never buy a console for one game
Never buy a MODERN and expensive console for one game. Perfectly acceptable to buy a Sega Master System for Populus or SNES for...anything
Lol only kids? are you serious. Everyone loves to play it. My mom never even touched any of the games i brought home. We have an xbox,gamecube,n64, gameboy advance, SNES. She never played any of them. But when we got the wii. My parents love it. They probably play it atleast 1 hour a day.
the wii is for the young and old alike. i am 19 and i love playing it and so does my mum who until recently regarded videogames as a waste of time.
No it is NOT near a kids toy, my 6 year old cuz loves it, my 38 year old dad loves it, my grandparents love a good game of wiisports when they come over, my cuz's 24 year old fiance, and my cuz himself both love it. Everyone i know who has played it, and gave a fair chance thinks the wii won em all. however if your a 11-13 year old that just focuses on graphix, M ratings, and what other kids say wii will take a little more time to grow onto. Not that the wii dosent have any of these. :smilewinkgrin: Plus! zelda! come on who dosent like zelda! or super smash bros!

-What other system can go on online, on any website, any time, and do anything for FREE?(trial virsion is not the TURE internet channel true one coems out this summer.)
Wii? A kids console? YOU ARE INSANE IF YOU BELIVE THAT SH*T!!!!!!!

I took my Nintendo Wii over to my family Christmas party in med-december. Most of my family played it and loved it. I got one on launch so I had plenty of time to play it. Elebits may sound kiddie and may have a cheesy storyline, but it is really fun and my favorite Wii game so far. Zelda oh my gosh has amazing graphics. Super Smash Bros Brawl will have amazing graphics as well and including Online play. The game I really want is Super mario galaxy. Anyway, I'm getting off topic. I got my mom, dad, adn my siblings hooked on Wii. My dad loves playing Wii Sports Boxing, even though he isn't that good. My brother is hooked on playing Madden 07. my mom really likes Wii Sports Tennis and Bowling. Nintendo named thier console Wii because it means that the Wii is for everyone and anyone can pick up the controller and play it.

Wii a kids toy? If it is than the world is flat. Is it? I don't think so.
Everyone who thinks it's a "kid's toy" it's because they are kids who think themselves as too mature and adult/old and as Wiitendo said, they only care about the stupid graphics because they have eyes for that only, sadly new generations are like that, while we who know of true videogames care about gameplay and the feel we get from the game as we play, not just pretty visuals.
ryanb said:
Hi All-

So I have a Wii that's in the mail as I write this. I have never played one, but I had read some good reviews. When I saw it online I knew I had to act fast if I wanted it, so I got it. Over the past day, however, I've kind of had some buyers remorse.

I wanted to know from people have actually played it, is it just a kids a toy or do people well beyond their teenage years enjoy it? If so, what games do you enjoy the most?


Well, firstly, take no notice of all the put-downs going around concerning the graphics! They are, almost without exeption, stunning!

Now some people may think that's a controversial claim to make in the face of all the criticism that the Wii's graphics are getting, but, unless all you want to do is sit in front of your widescreen and do nothing but pass the time away watching the game's frontscreens loop around, then you'll very soon forget anything negative you've read.
The graphics are, of course, not true h.d. and noone would claim that you're going to get cut scenes the like of two or three of the recent "competitors'" releases ( you know the ones I mean I'm sure! ), but, like the good book says: " Fmv alone doth not a fine game make"!
To simply discard the Wii's graphics as being "no better than the Cube's" is so redundant as to be not worthy of response!

Remember these are still pretty much launch titles that we're getting, but I can virtually guarantee that, whatever you choose to buy from the "A List" of games ( Zelda, Sports,Wario, Red Steel,SMBBB, et al ) they will suck you in and proceed to give you more FUN and ENTERTAINMENT than you've had from your gaming for a long time!

There's no earthly use in my prattling on about the ergonomics of the controllers, or the sensation of actually whacking a ball back to your opponent, or finishing off a fight with the swing of a sword that you're actually holding in your hand ( !! ) - you just have to experience it to understand just how brilliantly "new" and fresh it all feels.

I would recommend the Wii to anyone who truly loves their gaming, and, in, I guess, 12 to 18 months ( not a long time in the evolution of a console or gaming in general ), I genuinely believe it will be seen to have given birth to some of the finest games ever released.

There is NO other console I would rather own!

songwriter15 said:
Well, firstly, take no notice of all the put-downs going around concerning the graphics! They are, almost without exeption, stunning!

Now some people may think that's a controversial claim to make in the face of all the criticism that the Wii's graphics are getting, but, unless all you want to do is sit in front of your widescreen and do nothing but pass the time away watching the game's frontscreens loop around, then you'll very soon forget anything negative you've read.
The graphics are, of course, not true h.d. and noone would claim that you're going to get cut scenes the like of two or three of the recent "competitors'" releases ( you know the ones I mean I'm sure! ), but, like the good book says: " Fmv alone doth not a fine game make"!
To simply discard the Wii's graphics as being "no better than the Cube's" is so redundant as to be not worthy of response!

Remember these are still pretty much launch titles that we're getting, but I can virtually guarantee that, whatever you choose to buy from the "A List" of games ( Zelda, Sports,Wario, Red Steel,SMBBB, et al ) they will suck you in and proceed to give you more FUN and ENTERTAINMENT than you've had from your gaming for a long time!

There's no earthly use in my prattling on about the ergonomics of the controllers, or the sensation of actually whacking a ball back to your opponent, or finishing off a fight with the swing of a sword that you're actually holding in your hand ( !! ) - you just have to experience it to understand just how brilliantly "new" and fresh it all feels.

I would recommend the Wii to anyone who truly loves their gaming, and, in, I guess, 12 to 18 months ( not a long time in the evolution of a console or gaming in general ), I genuinely believe it will be seen to have given birth to some of the finest games ever released.

There is NO other console I would rather own!


I am with you, my friend..I think exactly like you.
They have Red Steel, which is a mature game, and they wouldn't have three-year olds slicing people in half and shooting people in the face, so I think that's intend for the adults. (But who follows the rules?)
My dad is in his thirty's and he's the one who bought the wii and get's a kick out of it. It depends on the way you think of it. My opinion- totally all ages.:cornut:
Wii just for kids?---don't think so

I am 62 and have been a video gamer with puters for the most part since the beginning. The Wii truly takes videogaming to a new level because of it's control system. I have had quite a few of my friends over who are around my age and they all have loved it as well. Wii Sports --although not so graphically pretty play very , very well. The more you play the sports games, the more you realize how good they are. Hope you enjoy yours.!!
Axtlar said:
I am with you, my friend..I think exactly like you.

Good man Axtlar.......and just think of all the fun we can have in a very few months time watching all those "knockers" of the Wii having to eat their words as they desperately try to scrounge one up for themselves!

We are in for such a brilliantly exciting few years that my mouth is positively watering at the thought!!

Cheers mate

Although nintendo kind of has a kiddy image sticking to it, I think they're trying to get rid of it ( whitch is definetly a plus ). Allthough it sure does hold some kiddy games, I 'd say its about 50/50. Theres also alot of "mature" games on their way and out allready. If you're kind of a shooter fan red steel and call of duty are great option. Not so mutch of a killer? Try zelda or sonic ( whitch both eye kind of kiddy but most certainly are not ). The games you might wan't to keep in mind are for example the godfather, godzilla, ssx blur and lots of different titles. I don't think you've got to worry ;)

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