Weather channel in Madden 07!!!


Sep 25, 2006
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Most fans were like "Oh, okay. Anything else?" when we reported the other day that the Wii Weather is finally up. Of course we know you didn't purchase the Wii just to check on the weather. But just a little imagination and innovation are necessary to turn this "ho-hum" feature into a fabulous, madden one.

Did you think that the word madden above is kind of misplaced? Well, not really. Because you see, some hardcore players have been claiming that the Wii Forecast channel can be used to employ real time weather changes for football title Madden 2007? According to one reader,

That's right! If you go into your settings in Madden, you can set the weather to read from system climate which causes the weather in game to be equal to that of the city you chose as your location in the forecast channel. While not as accurate as having the game read from the proper city for each location, it's still pretty damn cool, and something I want to see in future titles for sure.

You don't believe the guy? Well, why don't you turn on your Wii and let us all find out. Come back here afterwards and tell us what happened. With these kind of feature, we now wonder why some are so irate with Nintendo they are actually filing lawsuits.

'Tis true. Very very very cool (yet extremely simple). It's not raining or snowing or doing anything cool here, but I'm assuming it applies the temperature, precipitation, and wind (considering they are all regular weather options).

Oh yeah, and it doesn't let you choose for domed stadiums. :)
Cool but IMO kind of worthless that they don't read by the actual city. I mean, if I play a game in Phoenix in December and its snowing on my city, its going to be kind of dumb that it would be snowing in the game.
imahawki said:
Cool but IMO kind of worthless that they don't read by the actual city. I mean, if I play a game in Phoenix in December and its snowing on my city, its going to be kind of dumb that it would be snowing in the game.

yeah when i first read the title of the thread i thought that was the case. oh well it is only the 07 version so who knows maybe 08 will do just that.
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so this is true? for madden 07. IF its snowing where i live.. or around the area.... in madden it will have it snow???? is it acurate?
This would be very cool to have in a game like Animal Crossing or something somehow. This feature should come in a lot of games that it would work for. But wow, that's such a cool feature.
OMG GUYS!! IT"S TRUE! I JUST TRIED IT OUT! OMG!! Well, not as exciting but i can confirm this. Still, a nifty addition :D

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