Weather Channel improvement (chossing City)


WiiChat Member
Nov 14, 2006
I bought mine in Germany and I live in Israel (which people may think as a crime)

there isn't any way to point my city (Tel Aviv) as default weather channel city.
even though you can find it in the Wii globes

I suggest that one can choose his default city from the Wii globes and not been restricted to those only in the Country setting

Well part of the reason that happens, is because it's based on actual whether network info. And honestly, most countires weather service doesn't cover smaller cities.

For instance, I'm in Waco, TX (which tracked). But the next major tracked city is Waxahachie I believe and then Dallas. Each of these are 30 minutes apart northward.

It would be nigh impossible to have near exact weather conditions for every single city posted on the weather channel I would think.
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thanks for replay
but this is not the problem I mention

the city is in the Globes and available online you just can't choose here as your default
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I think i wasn't so clear, it is different then in the USA

Europe and Middle East use the same region code and the same broadcast PAL
so WII bought in Germany can work perfect in Israel and you can buy games from Europe and use it.

for the USA reader think there is only 3 region in the world You/Japan and the rest

Now for the "problem" in weather channel (I will give example so it will be more clear)

for example
Nintendo show in the glob weather for 200 points around the globs but you can set default cites to only 100.

this is way there is Tel Aviv in the globe but no were you can chose country Israel and then set the city as default.

just suggested that setting default city in the globe will not be connected to the country of region (or adding more countries like Israel)

hope that the guys in Nintendo is reading that and put it in the next update


By the way I also suggested an update for the Opera Browser, what do you think? is it only my problem?
natanel said:
I live in Israel (which people may think as a crime)

Why would i think its a crime? i have nothing agaisnt jews or thir religion. however i hate the jewish GOVERMENT. not the people.
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we should talk about it in another forum

but basically the good guys believe in living together

the bad guys look for killing and hate

don't hate us (government= real people like you ) before you really spoke with us
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