Was Michael Jackson a pedophile?

As it stands, no. There's no solid evidence, and just because he slept in the same room means nothing (there are non-pedophile parents who sleep in the same bed with their children). It's a shame that people are still hell bent to know if he was a pedophile even after his death.. he's dead now, does it really matter anymore?

Only rednecks and morons think so.

What's the difference? kidding
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Michael Jackson touched a lot of kids
with his music to any of you who thinked wrong :p
You scared me.... I just got done reading a chapter.

Jordan Chandler drew a picture of MJ'S Penis and colored it with spots. People searched him. He had some things right BUT not all of it were in the picture....

No he isn't/wasn't a Pedophile
I don't mind Bulletproof, but that In for the Kill song they did (yes, it's a band) is ****. It's also nice to see, she's obviously not the best looking woman on the music scene, but she's so far been successful. I'm pleased for them. Sex may sell, but so does good music.

I agree that Bulletproof is better than In For The Kill, but they're both awesome. I love her entire album. Particularly Cover My Eyes. This, of course, is all on-topic because she's an MJ fan.

And yeah, not the best looking person... but she's interesting looking. And has the most amazing hair I've ever seen.
hahaha. . . NO

Michael Jackson may have been "weird", and i quote because everyone thinks he was although i saw he was just one-of-a-kind, but the man was NOOOO pedophile.

evidence? umm. . would you sue a rich-ass celebrity for money?
Was he a pedophile? No

My only concern for this issue is the fact that he slept with younger children. If any other grown man/woman was to tell you that they enjoy sleeping with little children, ones they are not related to, you would question him or possibly view that person as a pedophile.