I am pissed, and I don't know what to do! Please


im back
Jun 30, 2007
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I am pissed right now, at my dad, because he blocked my internet from my computer until 4:30, and I from my mom's laptop, the one I am using, doesn't notify me of a new PM, a new post, lotsa pop-ups, and it's even a half day at school so I can have extra time. I also feel very guilty, as I sweared to him in private. I started crying and felt guilty. I also don't know what to do at wiichat, as I am now only here to speak to friends that aren't at my school because I can't contact/get to them. I also these past few months feel very sad for my parents and grandparents, and people. I feel guilty, as I'm doing domething bad. Also, I feel sad because I know I am going to lose them one day, and that I too, am going to die. My granparents look happy all the time, when I can see that they are worried and everything inside them. I really want to start a new life, and I don't know what to do. I am very.....very....I can't describe what I feel, a mix of sad, confused, scared, guilty, and worried. I don't know what to do, please tell me what to do. Or give advice.
:sad: what you said made me sad

a good thing to do is go over to your grandma's/papa's house and have a good time with them to make them happy
Or go see a therapist? School guidence counseler? It seems as though you are going through depression. You just need to talk to someone. Don't keep these feelings inside of you. It will end up hurting you in the end even more.
My suggestion for you would be to first apologize for what you said to your father. As for the whole life and death situation that's the circle of life and unfortunately there's nothing we can do from stopping the process. However by accepting this fact it will make your life much easier and eventually you wont think about it as often.
Sounds like a case of depresion. I am a smart kid, and I've helped work out problems with my friends before. manufan15 is right. However, I swear at my parents all the time (discretely) and I don't feel guilty. Don't make such a big deal out of it. But talk to some one. Anyone.
I've felt like this before.
Best thing would be to spend time with those you care for, and know you care for. Let them know how you feel.

And think about happy things, something to take you away from those thoughts your having.

@ The first half-ish of the post: Sounds to me like you regret your actions. I don't know the specifics, but it sounds like it was your fault in the beginning.

@ The second-half of the post: I'm only guessing your getting more mature and appreciating the gift of life. You can't really help it, just try your best to make them happy whenever your with them if possible. They've lived up their youth and most likely have enjoyed every year of it. The most I would guess is them to only want to see their grand-children/children being happy and enjoying life. Sure, it's good to be worried about them and such, but yeah...
k...for all the people who say you're depressed, that is way off!

these are just thoughts that everyone goes through every once in a while...nobody lives their life without going through thoughts of death! Just because you are having these thoughts doesnt mean you are depressed. There are things called moods...and right now you seem to be in a down one. You will soon feel better and learn from this experience...
GC8 said:
k...for all the people who say you're depressed, that is way off!

these are just thoughts that everyone goes through every once in a while...nobody lives their life without going through thoughts of death! Just because you are having these thoughts doesnt mean you are depressed. There are things called moods...and right now you seem to be in a down one. You will soon feel better and learn from this experience...
Yes, we all do, however when such thoughts consume us it is a sign of possible depression. Depression is something not to be taken lightly, nor anything to be ashamed of, as most everyone will experience some form of it in there lifetime.

My suggestion Slimi is the same as others, talk with your father, school counselor, and even your physician. It is natural to say things we regret, often happens when we are stressed or angry, however it is clear you didn't mean it and seem to have a good conscience. I wish you the best of luck Slimi, don't be afraid to speak out loud to loved ones or professionals about such things that trouble you, and hope everything works out for you soon.
A member of my family is currently in hospital, he isnt expected to stay with us much longer...

I know how you feel, I have lost quite a few relatives but just try to keep your chin up and think positive, try and spend more time with your family and say sorry if you have done something wrong.

I have a really strong conscience, even if what I done was only minuscule my conscience will make me feel as guilty as stealing from my mother. I tried thinking past it but I cant, so I know how you feel there as well, really guilty and upset.

These are not nice feelings, you need to get them out, trust on this, keeping them inside hurts you more and more. I done it, and just felt worse and worse.

My kind regards-
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CantGetAWii said:
I've felt like this before.
Best thing would be to spend time with those you care for, and know you care for. Let them know how you feel.

And think about happy things, something to take you away from those thoughts your having.
I've been trying to do that for months, since like the start of august, and I still can't get it away from me.

WuddlePook said:
You can't really help it, just try your best to make them happy whenever your with them if possible. They've lived up their youth and most likely have enjoyed every year of it.
I really regret what I've done to my grandparents when I was young, I keep thinking of that when I see them, their hurt faces, I, when I was younger, punched my grandma really hard in the back, and her kidney is only working 25%, and she only has 2 of osmething...I forgot what it is...And the part where you talked about living their youth, my grandpa had a really hard life. My moms side of the family was really poor, my mom had to work really hard to get a scholarship in school to save money, because they couldn't afford it. My grandma just stayed at home taking care of my mom and her brother and sister, while my mom worked hard. My grandpa worked hard too as I said, he worked day and night with 3 different jobs, he was a carpenter, painter, and security guard, just to keep on living his life and his families. I feel very sad as I think about how they have gone through their lives, and if they were still living their life, they would say how I'm living my life is luxory.

Cpt.McCloud said:
A member of my family is currently in hospital, he isnt expected to stay with us much longer...

I know how you feel, I have lost quite a few relatives but just try to keep your chin up and think positive, try and spend more time with your family and say sorry if you have done something wrong.

I have a really strong conscience, even if what I done was only minuscule my conscience will make me feel as guilty as stealing from my mother. I tried thinking past it but I cant, so I know how you feel there as well, really guilty and upset.

These are not nice feelings, you need to get them out, trust on this, keeping them inside hurts you more and more. I done it, and just felt worse and worse.

My kind regards-
I'm very sorry, same with my grandma, which I said above, Your post really makes me think about what I have done back in grade 4, where I was very mad at myself because I had....nothing, I don't wanna talk about it, I am doing what you guys just said not to do.

CantGetAWii said:
And think about happy things, something to take you away from those thoughts your having.

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