Wario's thread-nices thing...

There a quite a few people I'm currently allowing to live. I'd say that's pretty nice of me.
This is not the nicest thing/s ive ever done but I always stick up for my true friends no matter what, and I support them all the way. I like to give people advice (on certain topics).
Hahahah @ sovieto... I don't think I've ever done that before. Good job :thumbsup: LMAO

uh....this is hard. I'm usually not a nice guy unless you get to know me and I let my defenses down... Will get back to ya.

Edit: the nicest thing I've done.....write that search tutorial...

Or I guess I volunteer a lot..... I dunno
im a actual father..my son is 3 months and im 17 in 2 months..lol yeah its early to have a family but i love my girlfriend and we met in grade 3! so i do alot of diapers
I really hope you're kidding eric......wow.....just wow..


Hm...nice thing I did today......gave some rep. lol
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i hate to say this but ........,.......... gave money to the poor

im a nice guy but not my coins my precious coins
it happen once when i gave a burger to a bum

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