What's the worst thing you've done?

Ugh something that I did before....... When I was in the 8th grade and we had a quiz in Algebra I erased the word quiz that the teacher wrote on the board and I used to write QUEEF, and then we did queefing sounds with our mouths.
I make duck noises when the teacher bends overs

Do you really mean that lol?
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^I only get like 1 or 2.
This other store moved the magazines to behind the cashiers because people kept reading them >_>
What's so bad about that

Another bad thing my aunt ordered a margarita machine for my cousins birthday when he turned 10 but it was for adults when it came we hid the machine and we all threw up :D
$5 says that most of the 'bad things' will be either greatly exxagerated or flat out lies.

Been rich if you bet $5 per each one.

BK has great food what the hell are you talking about? the Whopper is to die for!!!!!!

Keep eating there and you will die for it. A friend of mine nearly kicked the bucket from food poisoning two months ago, courtesy of BK.

All illegal by law things aside, jumped some guy with a few others for knifing a friend. I remember breaking some fingers, his nose, and his left Humerus, either of his ankles might of been messed up too.

Besides violence, stealing somewhat often. Most expensive thing I've stolen was about $40 of merchandise. I honestly don't think I'm a clepto, but...
Worst thing...?

As far a violence goes I've gotten into some pretty mean fights near the end of my high school years. I was jumped in the last month of my senior year, a few of my friends jumped in to help me shortly after, I recall breaking some noses and shattering a few peoples elbows. Great way to remember your last month of school, huh?

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