Voice chat


WiiChat Member
Dec 24, 2007
Since Mario Kart will only have text chat, do you think nintendo will ever come out with voice chat anytime soon at all? It'd make the wii 100x better for games like medal of honor heroes 2 which i have.
Yes, this has been discussed and wanted now for awhile.
Nintendo has acknowledged before that Voice Chat will work out well, it just depends on when they do something with it.

Nintendo's next big online game should come with Voice Chat.
yeah no ****. the voice chat is overdue. xbox had voice chat almost 8 years ago. certainely ninty has money and technology. if they say bs about "online security" then they can also choose to have that with the headset. they can have a feature that can allow parents to restrict their child to use the headset.
im actually feelin really mad about this now, cuz i heard about that pay and play feature, and im not payin jack sh*t if they dont give us simple online features like headset support and not having friend codes.
voicechat will happen, its just a matter of when. nintendo will most likely use friend codes with it. also nintendo, to my knowledge, has not used the headset for the ds for any game during online gameplay. i just hope the actual chatting is during the actual game.
thas said:
voicechat will happen, its just a matter of when. nintendo will most likely use friend codes with it. also nintendo, to my knowledge, has not used the headset for the ds for any game during online gameplay. i just hope the actual chatting is during the actual game.

wait if the DS didnt use the headset during gameplay then wtf was it used for?
Dbomb3 said:
wait if the DS didnt use the headset during gameplay then wtf was it used for?

before the game started, people got the chance to talk to each other.

EDIT: if they were friends. i just hope that they dont do that to the wii.
AH thats realllllly lame. i played Metroid prime hunters online and it was the sh*t just needed a headset, which i didnt have.... is the DS capable of using voice chat DURING the game, cuz if it is why wuldnt they?
it is able to, but the only thing i can think of on the ds that come close to that is pokemon diamond and pearl during a trade. but that really doesnt count as gameplay. point is that the ds can but the ds wont.

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