Diary Girl DS voice chat shames Mario Kart Wii


Let There Be Rock
Oct 24, 2007
Wii Online Code
Konami has today revealed the first images of its upcoming software for the Nintendo DS, Diary Girl. Squarely aimed at the younger female audience, it turns the handheld into a journal/PDA – real-time voice chat included. A Nintendo DS non-game outdoing for one Nintendo’s flagship Wii titles - not good.

Diary Girl is described as the perfect way to organise your daily life, interact with your friends, check daily horoscopes and play mini-games.


* Avatar Creator let’s you completely customize and dress your character
* Use your journal to record secrets, remember birthdays, parties and more
* Voice chat via Nintendo Wi-Fi connection lets you talk to your friends in real time
* Contact list lets you save your friends’ contact information, birth date and personal likes and dislikes
* Text message friend with Picto-chat

Wow, Diary Girl has real-time voice chat. That’s more advanced communication than Mario Kart Wii (or any other Wii game for that matter) offers! Sigh.

Diary Girl is released in North America on March 18.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH BURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5:

thats haha funny, and pokemon also has voice chat. i dont see why nintendo dont just put in an update that allowes usb or bluetooth headsets to be used. it would make my online experience much better
:lol: People are getting ridiculous. No voice chat for Mario Kart (unless Big N reveals it, I doubt), get over it. Just like Revolution was renamed to Wii, get used to it.
And like mentioned above Pokemon has voice chat, and so does Metroid Prime Hunters, but that isn't a solid reason for why Wii should have voice chat on Mario Kart.
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Douten said:
:lol: People are getting ridiculous. No voice chat for Mario Kart (unless Big N reveals it, I doubt), get over it. Just like Revolution was renamed to Wii, get used to it.
And like mentioned above Pokemon has voice chat, and so does Metroid Prime Hunters, but that isn't a solid reason for why Wii should have voice chat on Mario Kart.

Actually it is if u think about it
Douten said:
:lol: People are getting ridiculous. No voice chat for Mario Kart (unless Big N reveals it, I doubt), get over it. Just like Revolution was renamed to Wii, get used to it.
And like mentioned above Pokemon has voice chat, and so does Metroid Prime Hunters, but that isn't a solid reason for why Wii should have voice chat on Mario Kart.
Um yes it is.

It is a bloody console for crying out loud, a next gen one at that (pssh I am starting to wonder) and they have failed to deliver in the online gaming area of things so far so they should get their **** together and release a game that is not half arsed so everyone can enjoy it.
I haven't played Metroid Prime Hunter so I wouldn't know but let's take a look at Pokemon. Half the people I battle manually turn voice chat off. The other half doesn't say anything in battle at all, I just hear background voices. There are a few who does talk, but very little. And I didn't just battle with 3 person :x

Sure the Wii can use voice chat, but to point out what other games are doing as an excuse to bash Mario Kart for not having voice chat is weak. Tell me if you have voice chat with the game how productively will you use it? With all the features Mario Kart bring online it's half-assed because of no voice chat? If the game is a team game or involve strategy then I could understand the whining of no communication.

That is not to say the Wii shouldn't have voice chat. I just said to use other games as an example of how Mario Kart fails because of no voice chat is a weak argument, there are better ones.
Well Wii will have voice chat soon enough.
Many feel it will come with the release of Pay To Play, and if it does it will come out with whatever Nintendo's next big online game will be. (Most likely Animal Crossing) A game played by all ages and shouldn't involve anything rough, seems like the perfect game to introduce the device?
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balrogs.pa said:
well remember, the Ds' microphone is BUILT IN. the Wii doesn't have one unless you plug it in plug it in.
ds has an actual headset too.

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