Views on Drinking, Smoking, Ect.

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JCpackers044 said:
lolol! thats good thats good. and im completly confused about the whole wink thing, but your not gonna tell anyways, so im not gonna bother to ask.

(im not a cop might i add so theres no fear)

I think your stoned. Its not that hard to understand that a wink indicates that your being sarcastic. And The_Loose_Cannon is a cop not you. I said that I don't drink or smoke pot and I put a wink after that. Now if you can't figure that out then you have problems.
ok yeah thats what i figured at first but then i got all confizzled by the next comment after it...which at the moment i cant remember what it was...and no im not clean i dont do drugs and that ****..all a waste imo
bubba-ga-nush said:
that wasn't a sarcastic wink

ah then i take it back im sorry defenses are up considering the circumstances forgive me :)

i appreciate that alot thank you
im interested The Loose Cannon, he says your a cop? and if that is indeed true, if i were to come out right now and say (remember this is hypothetical and i do not do drugs or anything of that matter) that i have like 10 grams of weed in my pocket right now, you wouldnt be able to do anything would you?

so why would someone be afraid to admit they smoke weed, yeah a cop would know, but he wouldnt have any idea where you lived now would he?...(if i may have sounded like im against cops and an illegal user of the cannibus plant i formally apologize in my actions)...
No there's nothing anyone could do under that situation. I have a pipe loaded and ready to go sitting right underneath my monitor within arm's reach...

...See? Nothing happened...

hold on, someone's at the door.
JCpackers044 said:
im interested The Loose Cannon, he says your a cop? and if that is indeed true, if i were to come out right now and say (remember this is hypothetical and i do not do drugs or anything of that matter) that i have like 10 grams of weed in my pocket right now, you wouldnt be able to do anything would you?

so why would someone be afraid to admit they smoke weed, yeah a cop would know, but he wouldnt have any idea where you lived now would he?...(if i may have sounded like im against cops and an illegal user of the cannibus plant i formally apologize in my actions)...

lol nope theres nothing i can do if you were to smoke some pot. so smoke away ;)

no seriously i truelly dont care what people do in the privacy of their own home. kids will be kids and again ive said it so many times here that if pot is the worst youre doing then thank god! :yikes:
The_Loose_Cannon said:
of course the cop has to chime in BUT im going to give my opinion on reasons beyond being a law enforcement officer.

i personally think that pot is one of the lesser of the evil drugs. granted its called "a gateway drug" but ive said it to TONS of kids on this site that if i were to arrest 99.9% of the kids i see on a daily basis for pot in ALL OF NYC, id still be at work processing papers a year later. Smoking/pot are similar things. Pot isnt addicting. no one can be addicted to pot because there are no "addictives" in it. THC is a hallucanigen and nicotine is a addictive. 2 different things. the smoke from pot causes you to cough heavily to open up your capillaries. you dont inhail....just like a cigar. ciggerettes you inhail and the nicotine and tar builds up in your lungs and esaphagus. ive seen surgery and ive seen blackend lungs. Ive seen comparisons with a FDNY fire fighter and a smoker and you can see how different the lungs look.

They say second hand smoke is WORSE than actually smoking which i believe is true. My father smoked roughly 2 packs a day then towards my parents divorce process, he smoked 3 packs for roughly 2 years then went back down to 2. they were malboro lights. because of this, i developed a smoking "habit" for lucky for me i just quit. no patches needed. maybe it still has to deal with the "second hand smoke" or the fact that i CONSTANTLY chew on my pens but i stoped.

as for REAL drugs, NOTHING good can come out of them. you havent lived till youve seen the aftermath of gun fights over coke or someone dialed 911 and when you arive on the scene theres a woman with track marks like you wouldnt believe (she litterally had NO veins), and she didnt weigh more than 80LBS (roughly 5'6 in height) and she had scabs ALL over her face along with "skeevies" IE bugs all in her skin. DRUGS ARE EXTREAMLY HARMFUL!!! i advise googling a video to see what i deal with sometimes....its called "the many faces of meth" and you see the before and after pics of people who were addicted to methanthenamines. its so disturbing.... also VERY sad.

alachol oh boy my favorite topic!!! yes, its stereotypical that cops have alachol problems we know we know.....also my father drank alot so you knwo what that means! yes, im another alacholic cop! no im kidding. but yes, i do like to drink and on occassion i will have one too many but i will not drink and drive because i would only end up being a hypocrite to those i arrest/write tickets to. i go out maybe once a month with my bf and we'll do sushi and ill have the large sapporo beer and a few shots of warm the end of dinner im toasted and he will end up driving home. i also just drink at my own house. i dont believe in going to bars. atleast not since i was younger. i used to drink heavily at the age of 14 curtacy ala bad friends and fake IDs. yes like i said i was a kid too and ive done LOTS of stupid stuff. i hate clubs i hate bars now im so over it and now im of finally at age to do it. trust me its NOT the best thing going for you!

and thats my opinion from both my aspect and a "cops" aspect.
loose cannon with her essay-reports again
arent you tired enough from writing those word-by-action essays you have to right after encounters?
fistpittingnork said:
No there's nothing anyone could do under that situation. I have a pipe loaded and ready to go sitting right underneath my monitor within arm's reach...

...See? Nothing happened...

hold on, someone's at the door.

Seriously Loose Cannon, I think you've further educated a lot of people tonight (I know I can admit that). Very good job. :D
ssbb_lover said:

Seriously Loose Cannon, I think you've further educated a lot of people tonight (I know I can admit that). Very good job. :D

LMAO nah its all in good humor :)

Sovieto said:
loose cannon with her essay-reports again
arent you tired enough from writing those word-by-action essays you have to right after encounters?

also Sovieto (spelling im sorry im trying to remember off hand EDIT- i was right on the spelling haha yay!) it doesnt take me that long to type, i went to college as a court reporter i can type on a keyboard 150 words a minute and 250 words in steno/short hand :) so no it doesnt bother me when i type out essays and also, it gets my point accross and 99.9% of you agree with me anyways

ETA again, its spelt WRITE not right hahaha sorry
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ol true dat, and i have one more question loose cannon this one doesnt have to deal with drugs...ok so i have this really psychotic neighbor that lives next door to one of my best friends. and in this summer, we had around 12 people over and we decided to split into teams to do a little ding dong ditch...(lol it was a hell of alot of fun)...but anyways so we were all heading back after a long night of intense running and escaping neighbors when about 3 of us got seperated from eachother. those three decided to get the phsyco's home for one last ding dong ditching, (and take note that these people have actually chased us from there house halfway across my neighborhood because they were annoyed...this run lasted about 1.5 miles in an estimate.) so we all knew these people were crazy and it wasnt going to end well.

so they trot back to my friends driveway where we were all at, and the mom of the house comes storming over and gets my friends parents at the front door so we couldnt hear what she was saying. but my one other friend decided to eavesdrop and then as he was mimicing her because she sounded like a complete fool, she came walking over and thus as a normal kid would in this scenario changed the subject to make it sound like something else. what he said...basically screwed us over "yeah, and baseball bat."

so now after the mom heard that she FLIPPED out on us and she actually started crying i quote her *in about to cry voice* "and now i just heard something about a baseball bat, am i going to have to get the cops involved with this."

and so now with that said my friends parents were able to calm her down and she left, but only to return minutes later actually asking for all of the kids names to report to the police! and at this point all of us were like...OMFG IS SHE SERIOUS. (now remember it was only ding dong ditch). but my friends mom saves our butts again and convinces her to leave the cops out of it so she leaves once again...BUT ONLY TO RETURN AGAIN...THIS TIME NOT ALONE!

so she comes back again this time with her husband, who then FLIPPED OUT on us once again...(i mean c'mon we've had enough of that already.) and this time he actually started cursing at was around 10 that we did this so hes like THERES NO NEED FOR THIS F**** S*** THIS F**** LATE AT NIGHT. and all of us where like :yikes: but ONCE AGAIN my friends parents convinced them not to get the cops involved.

...and i realized now that i forgot the most important part...the crazy lady was accusing us of taking the "baseball bat" that my friend mentioned to change the subject, and smashing her front house lights...all of which we all clearly knew we didnt do and was an obvious lie.

well the lady finally leaves, but not without one last final push for vegence...SHE CALLS THE COPS!

we were all standing there thinking..."man this woulda been a mess if the cops showed up" next thing we knew cop cars where lining up the street!

the cops didnt really do anything cause they didnt have proof or anything like that, but the one thing that they did do, is that we are no longer aloud to set foot on their property...even though we really never did anything to "threaten, or harm their family" so yeah it was pretty dramatic.

but that whole story leads to my final question...this lady clearly lied about the entire baseball bat and broken lights thing, so if there was a way that we could have accused her of lying, could she have gotten in trouble for falsely calling the cops and blaiming us for threatening her family?? and also, she has several troublemaking kids who ALWAYS go into my friends lawn because hes their neighbor, but could there be a way for us to say HEY THEY CANT COME ON HIS LAWN CAUSE WERE NOT ALLOWED ON YOURS?? (yeah sounds childish but so what)...idk i just really want to get these people in trouble because of all the problems they've caused...OH YEAH and might i add that they have like no friends cause their kids are absolut A$$ ****

I really hope you read the entire story and it wasnt to long, or a waste of your time.
I feel that marijuana should be 100% legal. It is safer on your body than tobacco and alcohol. The only reason it is illegal is because the government has no way to tax it because of how easy it is to grow. I love smoking marijuana, but I have actually been clean of it for about 6 weeks. I went through spurts of smoking it multiple times daily to maybe once a week. I quit cold turkey, not even a strong urge to smoke it. Those who claim to be addicted to it are liars. Katt Williams has the best view on this subject. If you get a chance, go pick up "The Pimp Chronicles Pt. 1"

Alcohol I feel is alright in moderation. If you can drink it without it taking you over, by all means go for it. I got a DUI at the beginning of this year. Since then I have drank alcohol twice, neither time I got behind the wheel.

Tobacco. Well I smoke Black n Milds. I absolutely hate cigarettes. If I try to smoke one I get sick as hell. Tobacco does give you a head buzz though, it only lasts for 5-10 min though.
loose canon isnt there a confidentiality agreement where your not aloud to say stuff you see?

but anyway i know a girl whos just had a baby and shes 14
JCpackers044 said:

ol true dat, and i have one more question loose cannon this one doesnt have to deal with drugs...ok so i have this really psychotic neighbor that lives next door to one of my best friends. and in this summer, we had around 12 people over and we decided to split into teams to do a little ding dong ditch...(lol it was a hell of alot of fun)...but anyways so we were all heading back after a long night of intense running and escaping neighbors when about 3 of us got seperated from eachother. those three decided to get the phsyco's home for one last ding dong ditching, (and take note that these people have actually chased us from there house halfway across my neighborhood because they were annoyed...this run lasted about 1.5 miles in an estimate.) so we all knew these people were crazy and it wasnt going to end well.

so they trot back to my friends driveway where we were all at, and the mom of the house comes storming over and gets my friends parents at the front door so we couldnt hear what she was saying. but my one other friend decided to eavesdrop and then as he was mimicing her because she sounded like a complete fool, she came walking over and thus as a normal kid would in this scenario changed the subject to make it sound like something else. what he said...basically screwed us over "yeah, and baseball bat."

so now after the mom heard that she FLIPPED out on us and she actually started crying i quote her *in about to cry voice* "and now i just heard something about a baseball bat, am i going to have to get the cops involved with this."

and so now with that said my friends parents were able to calm her down and she left, but only to return minutes later actually asking for all of the kids names to report to the police! and at this point all of us were like...OMFG IS SHE SERIOUS. (now remember it was only ding dong ditch). but my friends mom saves our butts again and convinces her to leave the cops out of it so she leaves once again...BUT ONLY TO RETURN AGAIN...THIS TIME NOT ALONE!

so she comes back again this time with her husband, who then FLIPPED OUT on us once again...(i mean c'mon we've had enough of that already.) and this time he actually started cursing at was around 10 that we did this so hes like THERES NO NEED FOR THIS F**** S*** THIS F**** LATE AT NIGHT. and all of us where like :yikes: but ONCE AGAIN my friends parents convinced them not to get the cops involved.

...and i realized now that i forgot the most important part...the crazy lady was accusing us of taking the "baseball bat" that my friend mentioned to change the subject, and smashing her front house lights...all of which we all clearly knew we didnt do and was an obvious lie.

well the lady finally leaves, but not without one last final push for vegence...SHE CALLS THE COPS!

we were all standing there thinking..."man this woulda been a mess if the cops showed up" next thing we knew cop cars where lining up the street!

the cops didnt really do anything cause they didnt have proof or anything like that, but the one thing that they did do, is that we are no longer aloud to set foot on their property...even though we really never did anything to "threaten, or harm their family" so yeah it was pretty dramatic.

but that whole story leads to my final question...this lady clearly lied about the entire baseball bat and broken lights thing, so if there was a way that we could have accused her of lying, could she have gotten in trouble for falsely calling the cops and blaiming us for threatening her family?? and also, she has several troublemaking kids who ALWAYS go into my friends lawn because hes their neighbor, but could there be a way for us to say HEY THEY CANT COME ON HIS LAWN CAUSE WERE NOT ALLOWED ON YOURS?? (yeah sounds childish but so what)...idk i just really want to get these people in trouble because of all the problems they've caused...OH YEAH and might i add that they have like no friends cause their kids are absolut A$$ ****

I really hope you read the entire story and it wasnt to long, or a waste of your time.

my god! word of advice, every neighborhood has this ONE house/neighbor that is wacked out of his/her mind! we had a nieghbor growing up who HATED kids on his driveway riding their bikes to uturn! my mom growing up would let me ride my bike up and down the block a few times ( i was too younge to really venture off) and if i turned around on his driveway hed come over and flip out with a broom! the guy was psycho! no one ever talked to him either! he said he too would call the cops if anyone did it again....meanwhile im like 7 and all i did was CIRCLE around on his driveway! freak man.....

anyways thats just that this whole thing reminded me of when people get out of hand. ding dong ditch brings back ALOT of memories for me lol. i did it too i think we all did at some point of our lives. but if you know that you have a troubled neighbor its best not to F around with them. your friends were wrong. however they are just wasting a 911 call and wasting our the time it takes us to chase down punk kids who have already gone home and did their thing someone needs assistance that we can actually help out with.

i hate when people waste our time like that its one of my BIGGEST aggrivating moments of the day

if the cops dont see you do something deny it. let them think your neighbor is nuts. deny deny deny. nothing we can do except fill out a report and "watch them" if she puts up security cameras and tapes you do it theres nothing we can do about it either. its not permissable in court since you did not agree to being filmed or recorded for that matter

i wouldnt worry about it. 9 out of 10 times if a wacked out person makes a 911 call and acts wacked out when we get there, we dont take it seriously.....
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