Video turns off when playing virtual console games

I also have the same problem on my Frenchie French setup :
EUR WII with Official Nintendo Component Cables,
Black screen on NES, SNES, and Genesis games...
Home button shows the screenshot of the game with the Menu, but still nothing when I leave the Home Menu.

I have to plus old RCA Cables in order to play these VC games... which is getting rather annoying !
This is what they emailed a guy from another forum :

Dear Customer, thank you for your e-mail.

First of all, we apologise for the late reply.

Here is the official statement concerning the virtual console and
component cable.

"In the past, games were released featuring different resolutions and
signal types, namely 'interlaced' and 'non-interlaced' signals. As such,
Virtual Console game signals are broadcast in these 'interlaced' and
'non-interlaced' modes. This is because Nintendo has always maintained
that Virtual Console titles are an exact representation of how these
titles originally appeared. Some component cables do not support
'non-interlaced' video signals - therefore to fully enjoy all Virtual
Console games without this problem potentially occurring you will need
to play them with a normal AV cable (supplied with the Wii) or an RGB
Scart Cable (available separately). This is not a fault with the Virtual
Console service as using the correct lead will ensure you are able to
play any title from the Virtual Console library. The Virtual Console
does not support 480p resolution or above so there is no benefit of
playing these titles with a component cable. "

Kind regards,
Your Nintendo Team

Doesn't sound like "we're working on it" at all :sad:
Finally an official answer! From the sounds of it, it doesn't look like this issue is going to be fixed. As it would invole changes to vc games resolutions and refresh rates just to help out the minority with this problem. owel! just ordered an RGB scart cable off ebay, guess I'll just have to use that for the VC games and swap back to the progressive component for zelda and the like!
Yeeha, today I got a mail from Nintendo (Belgium)

Beste, Dit is een gekend probleem. Er wordt bij Nintendo druk gewerkt aan eensoftware update om dit probleem op te lossen zodoende u ten volle van uwVC spelletjes kan genieten. Helaas kunnen we u op dit ogenblik nietzeggen wanneer deze software update beschikbaar zal zijn. Wij raden u inafwachting hiervan aan om ondertussen gebruik te maken van demeegeleverde AV kabel. Met vriendelijke groeten,

This is a known problem. We are working to resolve this issue so that you can fully enjoy your VC. Unfortunately, we can not say when a software update is going to be available. We suggest u use the AV-cable.

I think this is a world premiere, so spread the good word!
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MinionBE said:
This is a known problem. We are working to resolve this issue so that you can fully enjoy your VC. Unfortunately, we can not say when a software update is going to be available. We suggest u use the AV-cable.

I think this is a world premiere, so spread the good word!
This is indeed good news.
MinionBE said:
This is what they emailed a guy from another forum :

Dear Customer, thank you for your e-mail.

First of all, we apologise for the late reply.

Here is the official statement concerning the virtual console and
component cable.

"In the past, games were released featuring different resolutions and
signal types, namely 'interlaced' and 'non-interlaced' signals. As such,
Virtual Console game signals are broadcast in these 'interlaced' and
'non-interlaced' modes. This is because Nintendo has always maintained
that Virtual Console titles are an exact representation of how these
titles originally appeared. Some component cables do not support
'non-interlaced' video signals - therefore to fully enjoy all Virtual
Console games without this problem potentially occurring you will need
to play them with a normal AV cable (supplied with the Wii) or an RGB
Scart Cable (available separately). This is not a fault with the Virtual
Console service as using the correct lead will ensure you are able to
play any title from the Virtual Console library. The Virtual Console
does not support 480p resolution or above so there is no benefit of
playing these titles with a component cable. "

Kind regards,
Your Nintendo Team

Doesn't sound like "we're working on it" at all :sad:

Maybe someone can help out here. The issue I have with video corruption is only on NES, SNES and megadrive games which run at 576i @ 50hz. The rest run fine at 576i @ 60hz.

As far as I am aware non interlaced video is progressive scan video, which was not supported on the NES, SNES, Megadrive, TrurboGrafx 16 or N64. As to why this is the issue now sounds fishy to me.
Any new knews about this? Im having this same issue with my component set so I had to plug in my crappy composites that came with the console. boooo!!!
mberneis said:
[I posted this before in the 'wrong' forum]

I downloaded a virtual console game (Sonic) and when I start accessing it the video blacks out (says "No Signal" on my TV) (sound is still ok). I am running the video through my Yamaha AV which video-upscales to component Video, displaying it on my Panasonic 42" plasma.
It seems that the Video-signals change when running virtual console games and the HSync/VSync signals are off so some component in the video path is unable to synchronize the signal anymore. When I press "Home" the picture comes back with the "RESET" / "Wii MENU" buttons.
All other games run perfectly - its just the virtual console channel which has this problem

Anybody else had a similar experience? - I heard about people complaining that the Virtual console games would be stretched on a wide-screen display. Maybe both problems could be fixed in a firmware update?

Is this forum monitored by Wii support as well or is this only a user community?

Hello all, new member here. Just purchased the Wii last night and have a quick question. I also have a Yahama HTR 5250 receiver and cannot figure out how to hook the Wii up to my receiver to get sound thru my stereo system. I have hooked up directly thru my TV for now but would like some help on this please.
Update to Super Mario Bros. made available

People who've downloaded SMB and experienced component-cable related difficulties might want to check out the shopping channel.

An update is available that claims to enable emulation of the game in interlaced mode over a component cable. Don't get your hopes up, though: it did nothing for me - still the same agonizing "unsupported mode"-screen as before. :cryin:

To conclude on a positive note: this would indicate that Nintendo of Europe is doing something to fix the issue! And another thing: they haven't found time to reply to my inquiries about the VC/Component-fiasco, so they must've directed all available manpower to coming up with a solution ;)
Same for me: I´ve immediately updated my Version of SMB after reading Sahasrahlas post, just to find out it didn't fix anything: neither the 576i, 460i, nor the 460p mode works with my setup (original Nintendo Component Cable, 32" HD ready LCD). What a shame.

I hope this wasn't the end of Nintendos efforts concerning this problem. There are already several games on the VC I would like to download and play but not before this issue is fixed.

The funniest part: Now that they state in the description that the game would work with component cables (and it's a fact it doesn't) I could finally demand my money back!?
Did you try this?

I have this problem, too, and when the update didn't work I contacted Nintendo.

They told me to activate the fix, I had to be in 480i or 576i, start the game, open the operations manual from the home menu, connect a nunchuk to the Wiimote and press A, 2 and Z at the same time. Guess what? It worked! :thumbsup:

Oh, they also said you could switch back to the default mode with A, 1 and Z. Enjoy!
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Ha ha, you've got to be kidding me! Still, this 'solution' won't work on my system, as the screen blacks out completely on starting the the game, forcing me to resort to composite to have the operations manual displayed at all.

After hearing this, I'm frankly quite intimidated to contact Nintendo in the future. What 'fixes' will they hand out when told that this one won't work?

"Here's what you do, start the console in debug mode by simultaneously inserting the nunchuk and wiimote in your inner ear and change back lines 895-935 in wiiconfg.dat so that they read only the ISO-9001 compliant values. Log off by chanting the second verse of "We are the World". Godspeed."

Cynicism aside, thanks a bunch for sharing your info with us!
IT WORKS !!! THX OccasionalGamer !!!
I didn't need to change from 480p to lower resolution, now I can play DKC !

PD: I have downloaded the update for DKC from the shop channel.

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