Video turns off when playing virtual console games

I hope that works. I haven't tried it in that order.
Mine is doing some of the above mentioned things. I have a 37in lcd flat screen but i have the mad catz component cables.
ZELDA looks awsome by the way with the cables folks! Anywho, my VC games - turn on then the wii home menu comes up, like if you're looking for the settings for your wii remote. And usually the game is stuck where it last left off. I switched back to the regular cables and the home menu came up again but then i just hit reset. asks " do you want to reset software? " (all unsaved info will be lost) hit YES. and it starts right up. switched back to the component cables. black screens, distorted line screens, sound but no game play. So, i'm gonna go get the original cables instead of the mad catz ones and see what happens. and i'll try this lil 1 - 5 step.
I'm in the same boat. Everything worked fine with the composite cables supplied with the consoles, however seeing as i am using a 32" HD ready LCD TV i wasn't getting a great picture and decided to invest in the component cables.

Everything worked great and picture was much improved until i tried to play Super Mario Bros. Screen goes blank as if there is no picture, but like with everyone else when i hit the home button the menu comes up with the game in the background. Its the same for Zelda, however Mario 64 works fine.

I really hope nintendo do something about this as its quite annoying having to switch to an inferior quality connection just to play VC games.

For anyone gathering information on this, my Component cables are non-official. I was considering trying the official nintendo ones but seeing as some people are having the same problems i don't think i will bother giving nintendo my £25 seeing as they haven't even acknowledged this issue.
I just brought Street Fighter II, I go to play it and... i get the same problem as you guys. No way picture and a msg from my tv saying format not supported.
i gt no picture waht so ever, but pressing home button does bring up the menu bit but once i try too continue game again my TV cuts out again.

i just brought sonic just to test my tv out with other games and that works... well sort of, you can play the game fine but whenever you press the home button and then try get back into the game i get the same msg from my TV.
Format not supported

tis very strange and extreamly annoying
Not limited to LCD. Plasma, or component

I connected the Wii to a 27" crt type tv (hitachi), using the composite RCA cables that came with the unit and the same thing happens that is described by many of you. Sound from the game is heard but the screen is blank when using virtual console. Current Wii games work fine.

I have the same problem here Turbo grafix games working but no Super Mario. I dont want to have to swith cables that defies the whole point of VC games. I hope Nintendo bring out a firmware update soon to fix this issue.
akguy53 said:
I finally got a call from Nintendo today. The bottom line was, "thats too bad" we haven't really heard it to be much of a problem. they suggested taking it to another tv and use on that one. I explained the game was my son's and we wanted to play it on his set and not move have to unplug all the cords, take it apart and move it to another room to play VC games. I told him about this board and the fact that it was not an Isolated incident. Oh, by the way, they were responding to my third email I sent that threatened going to the press or CNET with the problem

So when they couldn't help fix it other than also suggest I bring a vcr down to run it thru, I asked for a refund on the 5 games I had purchased and couldn't play. After a while on hold he came back and made me an offer. "Buy an extra sensor bar for $10.00 and they would give me a free A/C adapter. (I had told him I was waiting for component cables I had already ordered). His idea was to have the existing cables, the extra sensor bar and A/C adaptor setup on the other TV. Then, I would only have to move the unit from place to place without draging all the cables. I went for it. He also gave me $5.00 overnight shipping. It wasn't a fix, but I thought at least it was a reasonable attempt to make a consumer happy. Maybe it will work when the component cables will show up, but if it does, it will still be nice to be able to bring the Wii upstairs to the big Widescreen when we feel like playing there without moving the cables.

BTW, the forecast channel Global feature is pretty neat, kinda a minnie google earth.
that is total garbage. i cant even believe nintendo would act like that, what a joke. id be pissed. i dont have any virtual console games myself because i have all the old roms on my computer and have an emulator, but if this was going on id be pissed. i cant believe they wouldnt even refund you. wow that kinda irritates me about them and im hoping i dont have some sort of problem now....
I'm getting the same thing and have had it happen on a 68cm CRT and a 108cm LCD with both composite and component cables with 3 different VC games. I'll be playing and then the screen will go black for a few seconds and then come back. I have only ever seen it on one game other than VC titles and that was Gottleib Pinball. I also have bad artifacting in Zelda and Warioware now too which leads me to believe that any machines doing this have broken or dying video chipsets. Pretty sure that we should be able to get these units replaced.
Everything seems to be working fine for me. I have the official Nintendo component cables on a 32' HDTV LCD. I have mario 64, sonic, donkey kong country, legend of zelda and super mario bros. all work fine. They dont display in 480p though, the tv automatically switches to 580i to play them. They dont play full screen, the tv likes to stretch them out a bit.
Just an update on my previous post;

I had the Wii connected to the aux video connection of a PVR that is then connected to the video-in port on the TV. I get the blank screen but hear sound when using the virtual console in that configuration.

On a whim I bypassed the PVR and connected the Wii directly to the TV video in. In that configuration it works perfectly. The PVR is a digital cable receiver and recorder. I am not sure what this really implies or if it even helps any of you, but thought I would update in case it does.
mberneis said:
[I posted this before in the 'wrong' forum]

I downloaded a virtual console game (Sonic) and when I start accessing it the video blacks out (says "No Signal" on my TV) (sound is still ok). I am running the video through my Yamaha AV which video-upscales to component Video, displaying it on my Panasonic 42" plasma.
It seems that the Video-signals change when running virtual console games and the HSync/VSync signals are off so some component in the video path is unable to synchronize the signal anymore. When I press "Home" the picture comes back with the "RESET" / "Wii MENU" buttons.
All other games run perfectly - its just the virtual console channel which has this problem

Anybody else had a similar experience? - I heard about people complaining that the Virtual console games would be stretched on a wide-screen display. Maybe both problems could be fixed in a firmware update?

Is this forum monitored by Wii support as well or is this only a user community?

I have the same problem with a Yamaha AV unit and a Sony LCD HDTV. Have you been able to resolve the issue? What's your Nintendo addie? Maybe we can stay in touch on the issue?
I have exactly this problem when playing VC games with my Component Cables.

It goes to the "home" pause menu and whatever I press besides "Wii Menu", the screen goes black and my TV says "No Signal". There is no way to resume the games.

All my Virtual Console games work fine with the standard composite cables but most don't work with the component cables.

I actually just started a thread about this problem.

Glad to see I'm not the only one with it.

Do you think Nintendo will be able to patch it?
Hello Snakebyte !

I'm having this same problem with my official Nintendo component cable... I would be more than happy to try our cable and let you konw !:thumbsup:
Cherrn said:
Bumping this, because I have the same problem.

I purchased a Samsung 32" LCD HDTV the other day, and VC games display find using the packaged composite cable. Today I went out and got the official component, not only for Zelda/future games, but also for Castlevania IV which is one of my favorite games.

But I don't get any display in 480p, or any other mode for that matter. I have to switch to composite for it to display properly. I don't understand this, as I haven't really seen a lot of people with the same problem (this thread is probably the most conclusive I could find), and it seems to be confined to Europe, as far as I can tell.

No one has heard anything from Nintendo or anyone? None of the work-arounds I've found on the net work for me. I'd really like to solve this, as it's getting on my nerves.

I have exactly the same problem. I also started a thread about it yesterday.

My VC games won't work with my component cables (my LCD screen goes black and says "No Signal") and they only work with the standard composite cables.

I hope Nintendo will recognize and admit the problem. Maybe they can patch it?

EDIT: Sorry, I just realized I already posted in this thread. :eek:ut:
mberneis said:
[I posted this before in the 'wrong' forum]

I downloaded a virtual console game (Sonic) and when I start accessing it the video blacks out (says "No Signal" on my TV) (sound is still ok). I am running the video through my Yamaha AV which video-upscales to component Video, displaying it on my Panasonic 42" plasma.
It seems that the Video-signals change when running virtual console games and the HSync/VSync signals are off so some component in the video path is unable to synchronize the signal anymore. When I press "Home" the picture comes back with the "RESET" / "Wii MENU" buttons.
All other games run perfectly - its just the virtual console channel which has this problem

Anybody else had a similar experience? - I heard about people complaining that the Virtual console games would be stretched on a wide-screen display. Maybe both problems could be fixed in a firmware update?

Is this forum monitored by Wii support as well or is this only a user community?

I had the same exact problem with Super Mario Bros. I also have a Yamaha Receiver (RX-V2600 to be exact). I have to unhook the composite video and audio cables and hook them directly to my TV for it to work properly.

I reported this to Nintendo and here was their response:

Hmmm? We're not sure why the Virtual Console game won't work properly when hooked-up through your receiver. At this time, the only remedy is keep the Wii connected directly to your TV as we don't have a fix for this.

I ordered the component video cables - maybe that will help. Until then, here's hoping that Nintendo is reading and that they will fix this problem in a future firmware upgrade or the like!
Snakebyte said:
Hey guys,

i found this forum while searching the internet for the Virtual Console problem. I work for an accessories manufacturer and am currently trying to sort out this problem. Since this was the best source of information i could find so far i would like to exchange experiences with any of you guys. I need to determine if our cables work with the Virtual Console, so i am willing to give away a few cables for free.

Whoever is interested, plese let me know.

I've just done some more testing with my setup and have found that on my Samsung LCD I can't get the VC games going blank to repeat if I am using the composite cables but it will happen all the time with component. If you have component cables that you would like me to try on my TV I would be more than willing to help you out.

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