Very impressive.....


WiiChat Member
Aug 31, 2011
Tonight, between 19:30 and 20:00 UK time, i was playing Heroes, and on the opposing side, for most of the matches was a level 19 player, who was dominating everyone! When i got a glimpse of him, i watched in awe, as he was constantly running and gunning with his Kallios or his SEGS shotty, blasting the blue moon out of any and every player who got in his way. It was brilliant. For those 30 mins, he even gave me a season ticket to the gates of the Grim Reaper, scoring an average 700 - 1200 XP per game! I would love to add him to have many more battles with him, to see his level 19 skills smashing all those of a higher level, but i suppose i will never find out because.....

His name was bond!!!

There must be eleventy million players called bond out there!

A note to all peeps with the name bond/james bond, please make sure you give yourself an interesting name if you want your marksmanship to be recognised. I am always ready to show good sportsmanship, and give you the virtual nod of respect! :yesnod:
Wrong! There are eleventy million and three. Not to mention the 007s, agent this, agent that etc. Pain in the arse for the reason you mention. Also the guys with . as their name. They get shot by their own team cos you can't see their name til its too late, position given away and . wins the title of "I thought it was funny at the time, now its been done to death and I look like a prat"
well along with those names, you know what realy passes me if (cwot1d1dth4r?).... names that contain brackets....

yes i know you are all in a clan.... but god sake cant you even remember the names of your friends without them?

no idea why it annoys me- but sorry to all of you- but it does lol
Psst. Theres a thread for this! Post in "The 'Official' Post Game Thread!"Thats what its for :)
when i first started playing around easter every match had 3+ 007/bond dudes
people using just there name is blah too, ben, ryan, josh, mike, etc.... get creative people goodness lol. bracket guys are always good to run into....means you are in for a good fight. we use them to represent our team :)
dont get me wrong.... i dont mind meeting them.

i just hate the brackets lol. weird i know, but i never claimed to be normal.....

....or even sane.
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I picked Mr Wood as my game name because i have never seen anyone else use it, plus it was available on this forum when i registered! And yes, this thread is me having a constructive rant, as opposed to my more ususal released colourful wrath complete with chronic Tourettes!

Damn, no loo paper....
This is just like every kid and his brother naming themselves "Ash" in pokemon Red & Blue, 'cept it's offline. Kiddies still do it today. ¬_¬;

We wouldn't have this problem if we had a universal username on the Wii, either. Damn Friend Codes...
I love it when I see a low level completely dominating. Its pretty rare but I'm always in complete awe I want to follow them around and just watch. I once witnessed a level 20 get 35 kills in Black Box using only a Sigmus 9. Awesome

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