Hackers & Cheaters – Oh my….

Hello all, I ran into a group in Black Box, obviously a team in that all their names were something like i.e. , , etc. Anyway I suspect they are hackers since their levels ranged from 19 to 27 and basically they were one shot wonders….so they are using Golden Ammo. And then one of their mates got on our side and he sandbagged the game and just sat there….and his mates wouldn’t kill him. Nice sportsmanship. And since I have your attention, if anyone knows of a player that goes by the name “Tango & Cash”, could you tell him that “proxytonning” all the time is frowned upon just ot get his kill rate up. I don’t mind having my arse handed to me by some 12 year old….but do it on a level playing field. Cheers all.
Hello man, We are not hackers. We are alts of level 56 main accounts. Our connections are not that great but we do know how to use those low level weapons. Sorry if you thought we hack. Also, What was your in game name?
Hi, first time posting here.

I've noticed that TLTK has seen a lot of hackers and stuff. I like playing LTK and TLTK (as I can gain EXP with my pistols easier), but I always seem to end up in games where someone has either hacked a Golden Gun, or just likes to shoot everyone on their own team. Last night, I was on a TLTK game on Station, and by the end of it, my "teammates" had camped out by the spawn points deliberately killing me whenever I spawned (and just me, it felt like a 7 vs. 1 gang-up). I'm currently a Lv. 32, and almost everyone in TLTK are at least Lv. 50 and above (could that have something to do with it).

In my experience, Heroes doesn't seem to have hackers quite as much.
Hi, first time posting here.

I've noticed that TLTK has seen a lot of hackers and stuff. I like playing LTK and TLTK (as I can gain EXP with my pistols easier), but I always seem to end up in games where someone has either hacked a Golden Gun, or just likes to shoot everyone on their own team. Last night, I was on a TLTK game on Station, and by the end of it, my "teammates" had camped out by the spawn points deliberately killing me whenever I spawned (and just me, it felt like a 7 vs. 1 gang-up). I'm currently a Lv. 32, and almost everyone in TLTK are at least Lv. 50 and above (could that have something to do with it).

I'm glad that I'm not the only one that this has happened to. Any time I've been able to join a match of either LTK or TLTK, I'm met with one of two things: a host quit within 10 seconds of getting in the match or my team kills me every time I respawn. I'm a level 33, and I've guessed it's either because of my low level or they want their match to be private. So, I've given up trying to get into games in those modes.
I got me good TLTK match not long ago.
Ofc. it was with clanmates on my team so...
Last night, I was on a TLTK game on Station, and by the end of it, my "teammates" had camped out by the spawn points deliberately killing me whenever I spawned (and just me, it felt like a 7 vs. 1 gang-up). I'm currently a Lv. 32, and almost everyone in TLTK are at least Lv. 50 and above (could that have something to do with it).

... This is why team attack should never be a thing in team-modes of shooters; at the very least, not when playin' with randoms. What a bunch'a dickbags, I bloody hate gamers who pull that elitist bullshit. Ain't no excusin' such rude bullshit.
Yeah, no clan for me. I was jumping in as a loner.

Same for me as well. It really is a test of patience dealing with stuff like that. Some games are okay if certain people or clanmates are on the same team together, but others you just wonder: Why? Just why? I'm here to have fun, not to have to deal with crap like that.
y u no ask in pm

Unintentionally, over the past half-year my claims of buyin' GE turned into bein' a lie. Would'a had it by now if the Wii U didn't dent my wallet severely, but seein' as I don't have a job, that's how it is... sorry Tamps. =(
What do you mean good connections to the game

This is kinda scary, I am almost too scared to go back in the game lol
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The new trend seems to be hacking unlimited proxies. Three separate matches of TC this week and I've seen three different players with this. Two were under level 10, the other was a 56 and had made the hall outside the boat room one giant proxy...the explosion was impressive. Alas, all three were terrible even with the proxies.
Had another fun group this morning. I tried hosting a match on heroes and a party of four joined. Three had the same clan tag...mNF, which I hadn't seen before...and when the match started, a couple turned a corner and there were rockets fired. Plus, they all had golden bullets. Real nice, kids...no quicker way to get me to HQ.

A note to those hackers and spammers out there reading these threads - host your own lobby. Don't jump into one and destroy what was a fun match before you showed up. An HQ is almost inevitable. Don't waste everyone else's time.
Mod Edit: Wrong thread for that.

Tampa add me a.s.a.p. I'm Oscar[E7] I'm destroying right now. Pass the news 2 the boss lady tina when you may and the rest of the clan.
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Yeah, I sent Oscar a PM to "catch him up" on what happened while he's away. He's reaching out to apGE...thx

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