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  • #31
Actually, I care about my health. I do like the fact that by not eating meat I'm helping animals. I don't look down on those who are vegetarian for the animals as long as they're not radical about it and treat their bodies right as well.
Could never be a vegey
Full English breckfasts are nothing with out meat

Are there any hardcore vegans on here
There the ones that dont eat anything with a shadow

Edit :
We where born to eat meat why do you think that we dont just have flat teath
Dunno, you know... full english... I can cook that for my veggie mrs using quorn crap.

and besides, flat teeth? Do people still eat grass? :smilewinkgrin:
Veggie meat whats the point
If your not gonna eat meat dont pretend to eat it (have tryed the veggie meat its horrable)
well, yeah... I agree. but I also think that if there isn't any veggie meat (duh, wtf?? veggie ----- meat??? eh? uh? like chalk n cheese, or something)... yeah, veggie meat... if there wasn't any, then they'd be stuck with lentil and bean slopp type food: looks like the sort of stuff you might find in prisons.

But, quorn is actually cultivated fungus that grows between the stems and branches of the corn plant (or is it?)
I'm a veggie myself. Haven't eaten meat, fish or eggs for about 10 years now, and I can honestly say I'm quite happy without those foods. I just don't like the idea of eating a (formerly) living thing, and I never really liked the taste anyway. Unfortunately I must admit I've missed out on a few nutrients, but I would say there are other health benefits in exchange (e.g. less cholesterol and fat).
err i missied a few posts but i think Gaz is talking about calories and Calories, a colorie is like 1/100 of a Calorie (or 1/1000) and i dont get enough calories as it is, carnivore though i am >:[
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  • #38
Darkprinny said:
Veggie meat whats the point
If your not gonna eat meat dont pretend to eat it (have tryed the veggie meat its horrable)

Actually, meatless chicken is quite delicious as are some of the veggie burgers. Not all of it is good. =) Tofurkey is okay if you're going for a smoked turkey taste (it says roasted turkey flavor on the box, but it DOES taste like smoked). Some soy parmesans taste EXACTLY like the real thing and soy mozarella is pretty good. Why do we do it? Because we get to enjoy the same delicious tastes as you but w/o all that cat/cholesterol. =)

I have to have fish though. I couldn't live without RAW fish mmmmmmmm. I LOOOOOOVE sushi. Toro, hamachi, sake, uni mmmmm.
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If we are not supposed to eat animals, why are they made out of meat?

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  • #40
Tacos said:
If we are not supposed to eat animals, why are they made out of meat?


Well, gee, if we should eat animals simply because they're made from meat, why aren't we cannibals, and a better question, why are there herbivores?

kissoff182 said:
meatless chicken .
kissoff182 said:
veggie burgers.
Tryed give me beef/ham anyday

kissoff182 said:
Your just liein to your self
kissoff182 said:
I have to have fish though. I couldn't live without RAW fish mmmmmmmm. I LOOOOOOVE sushi. Toro, himachi, sake, uni mmmmm
How can you be a veggie if you still eat fish
kissoff182 said:
Well, gee, if we should eat animals simply because they're made from meat, why aren't we cannibals, and a better question, why are there herbivores?


We aren't cannibals because that would go against the promotion of the human race. Eating other animals promotes human life, not eating other humans. Even though this is still done in some parts of the world.

Why are there herbivores?

Because they can't digest meat. And because the herbivores are meat. And because they are stupid, and don't know how good meat is.
Tacos said:
We aren't cannibals because that would go against the promotion of the human race. Eating other animals promotes human life, not eating other humans. Even though this is still done in some parts of the world.

Why are there herbivores?

Because they can't digest meat. And because the herbivores are meat. And because they are stupid, and don't know how good meat is.
Two words: wow.:D

We don't eat each other not because it wouldn't help "promote" or prolong the human race, but because it would be seen as murder and cannibalism. Animals of the same species eat each other all the time.

About herbivores, yes they can't digest meat, but the fact that they are made of meat has nothing to do with anything. An animal is smart, not stupid, if they don't eat something they couldn't digest.
NateTheGreat said:
Two words: wow.:D

We don't eat each other not because it wouldn't help "promote" or prolong the human race, but because it would be seen as murder and cannibalism. Animals of the same species eat each other all the time.

About herbivores, yes they can't digest meat, but the fact that they are made of meat has nothing to do with anything. An animal is smart, not stupid, if they don't eat something they couldn't digest.

Where do you get your information from?
Tacos said:
Where do you get your information from?
Logic and education. I don't know where you're coming from.:scared:
Also, I should have said animals of the same species do eat each other, usually when they have already been killed by something else.

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