
We're genetically predisposed to needing meat in our diets, whether it's red meat or poultry or fish or whatever. I don't think we should be eating most of the vegetables we do eat, and for every steak you don't eat I'm gonna eat three. One for me, one for you, and one just to further perpetuate our glorious meat eating society.
Wii17 said:
i was vegetarian for 8 years, i still eat very little meat but no fish and i eat chicken all the time. i love beef jerky and steak and burger but im on a diet atm. now to all you pizza eaters i uses to eat 1 - 2 large pizzas to myself (keep in mind my calorie limit is 2300 [1900 if i want to lose weight with little exercize which i do]) untill i found out 1 pizza frozen or fresh has 2600 calories so for dinner i was taking in 5200 calories just for dinner plus about 1000 for lunch and breakfast so around 6000 calories a day, 3 times what i should no wonder i put on weight. once i ate 8 chesseburgers at 400 calories each, so theres 3200 and i had a pizza for dinner. damn! lol i started this diet a week ago aswell as a workout schedule and i feel better than ever and have lost 5 kilos (thanks wiisports). my record and im ashamed of it now (i used to be proud) is a whole party pizza... 6000 calories plus all the fat and crap *puke* i will never go back to eating like that ever again. just thought id share that

like i said, people are getting confused, your daily allowance of calories is 2,500,000 if your a man, right, so your daily allowance is 2,500 kCal which is a thousand too. the system was screwed in the uk, but they fixed it now.

your pizza is only 2600 calories out of your daily amount so your still have 2497400 to eat..
umm no 2.5 million calories is wrong that would kill you man thats 100 large pizzas i would like to see you eat that a day, i have a diet program on my computer and it tells me to stay somewhere between 1700 and 1900 calories depending on what exercise i do that day and what foods i eat (all data is entered, try it download mydietwiz and the crack if you want it free

Q: How many calories should be consumed daily?
A: High-fat foods contain more calories than the same amount of other foods, so they can make it difficult for you to avoid excess calories. However, low fat doesn't always mean low calorie. Sometimes extra sugars are added to low-fat muffins or desserts, and they may be just as high in calories. The U.S. recommended daily allowance is 2300-3000 calories for men and 1900-2200 calories for women.

so don't talk about what you don't know, unless you have hard evidence. 2 million calories would kill a whale mate let alone a human, you would have to be the size of a house so everyone is going to be laughing at your post. congrats on embarressing yourself.

Results 1 - 10 of about 1,090,000 for daily calorie limit. (0.16 seconds)

should have googled it first mate, its 2.5kcal in a day not 2500kcal.
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Gaz said:
like i said, people are getting confused, your daily allowance of calories is 2,500,000 if your a man, right, so your daily allowance is 2,500 kCal which is a thousand too. the system was screwed in the uk, but they fixed it now.

your pizza is only 2600 calories out of your daily amount so your still have 2497400 to eat..

I am guessing your confined to your bed if you are eating 2,500,000 calories a day. . .you might want to lay off quite a bit or you may be facing death in the near future.
Wii17 said:
umm no 2.5 million calories is wrong that would kill you man thats 100 large pizzas i would like to see you eat that a day, i have a diet program on my computer and it tells me to stay somewhere between 1700 and 1900 calories depending on what exercise i do that day and what foods i eat (all data is entered, try it download mydietwiz and the crack if you want it free
before you can say that will kill me, you must first understand what a calorie is, it is not some fat, or anything that will kill me, it's a UNIT OF ENERGY, a unit of energy that will heat 1gram of water by 1 degree kelvin. now there is something called a large calorie, which is the the amount it takes to heat 1kg of water by 1 degree kelvin, which is 1000 times bigger than the actuall unit. and thus this causes's lots of confusion, as people don't listen in there physic's class's.

i was just qouting your figures, not mine, i have a pizza in my fridge, and half of that pizza is 394kCal, which means that a whole one is 788,000 calories. which means i can eat 3 in a day, and still not excide my daily limit.

edit: ok before either of you two start saying i'm flipping wrong, why don't you go and read this page first!!
then come back and tell me i don't know what i'm talking about, when i have studied this at school in the last year!!
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ok the system in UK is f****** right up, im talking Aus and US units which are just calories. no kcal, no big cal nothing calories (we actually use kilojoules but are getting into calories [US] now coz its easier you just use a conversion calc. [looks better on paper]) and calories do make you fat, unused energy is stored as fat, look it up. calories do more damage than eating excess fat in your calorie limit, exercise burns calories stopping fat buildup
Gaz said:
before you can say that will kill me, you must first understand what a calorie is, it is not some fat, or anything that will kill me, it's a UNIT OF ENERGY, a unit of energy that will heat 1gram of water by 1 degree kelvin. now there is something called a large calorie, which is the the amount it takes to heat 1kg of water by 1 degree kelvin, which is 1000 times bigger than the actuall unit. and thus this causes's lots of confusion, as people don't listen in there physic's class's.

i was just qouting your figures, not mine, i have a pizza in my fridge, and half of that pizza is 394kCal, which means that a whole one is 788,000 calories. which means i can eat 3 in a day, and still not excide my daily limit.

edit: ok before either of you two start saying i'm flipping wrong, why don't you go and read this page first!!
then come back and say i'm wrong!

Well when NORMAL people talk about calories, they are speaking of how all products are labeled in Calories. The frozen pizza in my icebox is not labeled 375 kCal, nor is it labeled 375,000 calories; it clearly says 375 Calories. Thus, when the NORMAL person speaks of calories that is what they are referring to.

So if you want to eat 2,500,000 NORMAL calories, then go ahead and kill yourself.
a UNIT OF ENERGY, a unit of energy that will heat 1gram of water by 1 degree kelvin

So, if I drink my own pee (or Wii), then I don't have to do any burning of calories cos it's already warm, and therefore, I would start putting on a bit of weight?

Personally, I like alcohol more and it tastes better too!
csiguy4u said:
Well when NORMAL people talk about calories, they are speaking of how all products are labeled in Calories. The frozen pizza in my icebox is not labeled 375 kCal, nor is it labeled 375,000 calories; it clearly says 375 Calories. Thus, when the NORMAL person speaks of calories that is what they are referring to.

So if you want to eat 2,500,000 NORMAL calories, then go ahead and kill yourself.
you do relise, that on your packaging, there is a difference between the word Calories and calories, read the wikipedia page, it even states there, there is nothing wrong with the UK system, the UK system is fine, and it is you that has a system that is currupt, leading people like you, into believe a calorie is actually worse that it is.. the smaller numbers make it seam better for you don't they....

i'm not saying a calorie is good for you, but if you understand what it is, then you can easily turn those calories into something better, say muscle for instance...
ok there has been a misunderstanding here US and Aus use Cal meaning kilocalories, uk uses Kcal for kilocalories and cal for small calories which is a much harder system and just stupid lol why use 2 when u can use 1

ok for you then a pizza is 2600Kcal. that better

the smaller numbers dont make it better coz we have less limit, 1000 times less for calories that are 1000 times smaller. makes sense
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Wii17 said:
ok there has been a misunderstanding here US and Aus use Cal meaning kilocalories, uk uses Kcal for kilocalories and cal for small calories which is a much harder system and just stupid lol why use 2 when u can use 1
ok so lets call it quits.... i will it eat 2,500,000 real calories every day, and it will do me no harm :)
Gaz said:
ok so lets call it quits.... i will it eat 2,500,000 real calories every day, and it will do me no harm :)

dude you gonna die if you eat 2,500,000 standard Calories everyday; please cut that down to 2,500 standard Calories for your health!
Still didn't answer my absolutely valid question about warm wii consumption.


Do you crap out anything worth being calorific or Calorific? Cos, I know that you don't process all the food that enters your stomach. And, therefore, is this why rabbits and small rodents eat turds directly from their sphictyr?
Kepa said:
Cows were made to be steak, pigs to be bacon, chicken to be, well, chicken. Not to say that there's something inherently wrong with being a vegetarian, but I hate those veggie nuts who go on and on about "exploitation and cruelty of animals", and just try to make you sick because they can't have any of your juicy, tender, medium rare filet mignon.
Hmm, where are you getting this info?:shocked: Made to be? These animals weren't made, they were born and they are born to be what they are, cows, pigs, chickens, etc. We humans, as you obviously know, make them into steak, bacon and chicken meals, or omelets or whatever. Perhaps that's what you meant.

Personally, I'm not a vegetarian because I can't afford the vegetarian burgers and bacon that actually taste like the real thing. I've had a few veggie-corn dogs and I've had real corn dogs all my life and seriously, I couldn't tell a difference. I hardly eat any meat these days; I prefer pasta, fruit and some vegetables mostly. My cousin's a vegan, which is a bit more extreme than the usual vegetarian in that they don't even do dairy.

Veggie-nuts as you call them, are not angry because you get to eat what they don't. They know animals are going to be dying for us to eat probably forever. What they care about, and rightly so, is how these animals are treated before they die and the way in which they are slaughtered. You can look that kind of thing up on google; I don't even wanna see that stuff.
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