
kissoff182 said:
Just wanted to know you're thoughts on it. I haven't eaten anything aside from fish for a few weeks and my body feels awesome! Are you opposed to vegetarianism? Do you not care? Do you think it's healthier? Not as healthy?

The only important nutrient that's very hard to get when you're not eating meat is Vitamin B12 because there's only one thing that contains it aside from meat and it's nearly impossible to get. Protein is hard only if you're a moron and don't know what you're doing (usually those who eat lots of bread instead of protein-abundant veggies and fruits; usually those who go vegetarian for animals, not for their body).


You know, you could probably go a LONG time with out protein if you are an american. I have read that americans have MULTITUDES more protein than any other country in the world simply because we are so accustomed to eating meat. I have to agree that if you stop eating meat for a month, you will feel completely different.
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  • #47
Darkprinny said:

Yes, meatless chicken tastes surprisingly a lot like chicken. Plus, there is a good amount of fiber in it and wayyyyy less fat... especially saturated fat which is a big plus.

Darkprinny said:
Tryed give me beef/ham anyday

I did say some are good. Boca burgers are terrible. Gardenburgers are great. And once again, way less saturated fat and calories. =)

Darkprinny said:
Your just liein to your self

As I said, if you're going for the smoked turkey taste, tofurkey works. I personally don't care too much for smoked turkey, so I don't really like tofurkey.

Darkprinny said:
How can you be a veggie if you still eat fish

I don't really consider myself a vegetarian. The reasons I eat fish are:

1. It has little fat but lots of protein.
2. I cannot mentally live without sushi.
3. My body doesn't feel disgustingly heavy after I eat it.

The best part about raw fish is that there are no carcinogens that would normally come from grilling it. Not to say you can't broil fish, but a lot of the time the fish is grilled or smoked. Carcinogens suck.
kissoff182 said:
Yes, meatless chicken tastes surprisingly a lot like chicken. Plus, there is a good amount of fiber in it and wayyyyy less fat... especially saturated fat which is a big plus.
Most things taste like chicken

Wha made outa grass
Solard said:
err i missied a few posts but i think Gaz is talking about calories and Calories, a colorie is like 1/100 of a Calorie (or 1/1000) and i dont get enough calories as it is, carnivore though i am >:[
THANK YOU, someone who understands!!!!!!
I'd just like to say, I'm a vegetarian also.

The thing I don't understand is why are we allowed to eat fish? I've always been curious. I don't eat fish, but I do still drink Milk and eat Cheese, eggs etc.
Gaz said:
thats because your not a vegan.
I know I'm not a vegan, I can't live without milk, its too nice.

But why is it ok to eat fish? When they are alive, like cows.. Eh.

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  • #53
Groves said:
I know I'm not a vegan, I can't live without milk, its too nice.

But why is it ok to eat fish? When they are alive, like cows.. Eh.


ASDFASLDFKJASDLKFJASLDKJF I said I don't consider myself vegetarian, and I don't think you should call yourself a vegetarian unless you don't eat any kind of meat.
Groves said:
I'd just like to say, I'm a vegetarian also.

The thing I don't understand is why are we allowed to eat fish? I've always been curious. I don't eat fish, but I do still drink Milk and eat Cheese, eggs etc.

There are many different kinds of vegetarian who all have different reasons for it. Sometimes those reasons still allow them to eat fish. I wouldn't eat it myself though, to me fish is still meat.
kissoff182 said:
ASDFASLDFKJASDLKFJASLDKJF I said I don't consider myself vegetarian, and I don't think you should call yourself a vegetarian unless you don't eat any kind of meat.
I'm not saying its bad to eat it, I'm just wondering whym most vegetarians still DO eat fish.

I'm not trying to start an argument.
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  • #56
Groves said:
I'm not saying its bad to eat it, I'm just wondering whym most vegetarians still DO eat fish.

I'm not trying to start an argument.

I don't really get it either seeing how chickens and turkeys are about as retarded as fish are, but vegetarians won't eat them. You're not really vegetarian if you eat fish.
Its like the hardcore ones that I have metioned they dont eat anything that casts a shadow

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