VC Poll


Psychedelic Snail
Jan 19, 2007
BC, Canada
Wii Online Code

look at sotw rules
Choose you favorite 3 games
game 1=5 points game 2=3 points game 3=1point

Games: N64

1080 Snowboarding
F-Zero X
Kirby 64
Mario kart 64
Paper Mario
Pokemon snap
Sin & Punishment
Starfox 64
LoZ: OoT
Wave Race 64
Yoshi's Story 64
Mario 64*

You wanna help me decide, don't you?

*Ends April 6th

*Sorry I rushed.
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So whats this about
explain slowly for I am tired
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I'm indecisive and I want the forum to help me pick an N64 game through a fun poll. Well 3 per person actually. I tally up the scores and buy the game.
It has to be N64? Because I can think of better SNES and Mega Drive games.

Very well:
1. Paper Mario
2. Sin and Punishment
3. You don't have Super Mario 64 as a nominee, so I don't have a third (I still think you should try seeking out that Zelda Collector's Edition).
Monsteroids said:
I'm indecisive and I want the forum to help me pick an N64 game through a fun poll. Well 3 per person actually. I tally up the scores and buy the game.

It depends what type of game you want
Mario 64, mario kart 64 or Zelda

Peach is sexy as is Zelda

That kind of Popular and sexy ?
1. Ocarina of Time ( must have)
2. Star Fox ( never gets old)
3. Mario Kart ( to hold you over till wii edition is released)

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