understanding controllers etc! help please! TIA


Wii Ninja!
Dec 6, 2006
Ok, first off. im sorry if this is common knowledge and everyone knows everything.

I don't have a gamecube i haven't owned a nintendo system since n64.

I did a search but i quite dind't get the answer i was looking for, not that i wanted a lie, more like the question i asked wasn't being asked like i will.

I want to get a few things straight.

Can i use the classic controller for anything other than VC console?
Can i use the Classic controller for gamecube games?
Can i use the wiimote for gamecube games?

Based on the above, i can already answer "Do I have to use gamecube controller to play gamecube games on the wii?" but if you wouldn't mind answering that as well, i'd love you 100000% more.

All these damn controllers are confusing the #### out of me so please. If anyone can just blast me with some knowledge but no flames. i don't really like playing with fire, but i do like playing with water, especially on a hot day.

Thank you guys!!
Here are the answers..
1, You can use the classic controllers from Virtual Console and wii games that support it. Check the back of the games. Currently the only wii game that supports it to my knowledge is Dragon Ball Z.
2,Sorry, but no. Gamecube controllers are cheap and easy to find so no trouble there.

Can i use the classic controller for anything other than VC console?
Yes, read the back of the games box it tells you what pads are compatable.

Can i use the Classic controller for gamecube games?
As of yet I have no idea but I don't see why not.

Can i use the wiimote for gamecube games?
No, only gamecube pads and possible classic I'm guessin you can but haven't had chance to get a cl;assic controller.

Hope this helps...
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Thanx again to all. See I have a classic controller for the vc games.
I just od'nt have any gamecube games, but i wanted to go purchase a few of the ported games from n64 like the zelda one's of OoT and others. So i was just wondering before i actually got them what is compatible.

Also, its nice to have it online so others can know it also. I hope that this doesn't make it an illegitimate thread. :)

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