Classic Controllers

ericlewis91 said:
classic controller work with gamecube games

and gamecube controller work with virtual games

just tested 5 mins ago and it works end of disscusion!
Really? So you played a GC game with the Classic Controller? What game was it? I've heard that it might be possible, but in games where the analog triggers of the GC are needed, the Classic Controller doesn't work so well.
Yuu said:
It's rumored that smash bros melee will only use the GC controller/classic controller.

Yup. So know I gotta get 4 nunchucks, 4 Wiimotes and 4 Classic Controllers? Fantastic... Thanks Nintendo :sad:
if you only have one wimote its better to get a gamecube controller cause then you can play the two player vc games. but the classic takes the place of the wiimote
GC Controllers would probably be cheaper to. Well, I dont plan on getting any VC games to soon, so I guess i'll just wait until I need them for a Wii game.
My suggestion is don`t get Classic controllers...Unless you don`t have GC controllers then buy another GC controller.Or just get which ever is cheaper.
Yuu said:
It's rumored that smash bros melee will only use the GC controller/classic controller.

i think you mean super smash brothers brawl, and it doesnt seem right that the developers would make it only for GC controllers. the head of the super smash bros brawl project has obviously hinted that it will be compatible with gamecube controllers, but would it truly be a wii game if they didnt have some control scheme for the wiimote+nunchuk combo?
if you're playing a gamecube game, wiimote and classic controllers wont work. you need gamecube controllers and memory cards for gamecube games.

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