Does the wii classic controller works with GameCube Game?


WiiChat Member
Dec 8, 2006

I have searched the forum and read the wii manul, but didn't get a straight answer.

Will the wii classic contorller works with the Gamecube games? (I don't mean the Virtual Console games, I meant the actual gamecube game CD that insert into WII.) For example, will I be able to play "Mario party 6" with Wii using the classic controller.

Thanks in advance.

nope. game cube works with game cube stuff... just on the wii. not "backwards compaitble" with the remote though ><
I've googled this question myself the answer so far is *no* which is quite stupid really as the classic controller seems to have the same amount of buttons the Gamecube controller has. What everyone else I've read suggested was to buy a Wavebird wireless Gamecube controller.
yeah the wavebird wireless controller is great... to bad they don't make white ones to match
I haven't seen decals in real life yet. images just don't express how it looks like
The classic controller's buttons are in a different postition rather than the Gamecube controller, more of a PS2 position. It sucks, I know. If only I could get a white Gamecube controller...

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