Twilight Princess to easy?

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kevbomac05 said:
can somebody anser my question how do u get passed the first part when u cant ride the horse and u have the day off?
is that the part b4 the fire temple, if so, get the iron boots, go back in town , talk to the mayor dude, then you have to wrestle him, after that *poof* you got the iron boots

and also, why cant the other zelda games (like this one) have another copy but harder(just like OoT master quest)
The levels were a challenge at parts, but all the bosses were easy.

The length of the game really made up for any of that though.
Yeah like what pretty much everyone else said. But even though the bosses were easy, and not that tough, I found them to be fun to battle. And of course, OOT was better than this one because of the sheer difficulty, but still TP was a good game.

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