Twilight Princess' Cave of Ordeals


The Scrubbiest of Hunters
Jan 25, 2009
Nimbasa City
Wii Online Code
Who's had a crack at it at least once in the past five years? I'm curious if any of my fellow wiichatters beat it, and how much difficulty they had. So yeah, what're y'alls experiences with the Cave of Ordeals?
Is that cave with the fairy in it, in the middle of the desert? It was tough, maybe two years ago I bring along potions fairys, anything to recover hearts, I remember I tried it at least three times, just to get fairy`s tears?! hmmm didn`t seem a good reward for me, If I remember right, at least you could get a refill at any spring am I right? well only if the cave I was talking about was the right one.
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Is that cave with the fairy in it, in the middle of the desert? It was tough, maybe two years ago I bring along potions fairys, anything to recover hearts, I remember I tried it at least three times, just to get fairy`s tears?! hmmm didn`t seem a good reward for me, If I remember right, at least you could get a refill at any spring am I right? well only if the cave I was talking about was the right one.

Yep, that's the one.

I'll agree that Fairy's Tears are hardly a justified reward for it... Fairies spawning in the spring of each providence isn't all-that awesome either for it being the hardest part of the game. :lol: They should of made the reward for the Cave of Ordeals the Magic Armor IMO, since it's absolutely broken. I guess beatin' the optional dungeon is mainly for bragging rights and the fun of the challenge.

I'd say the only thing Fairy's Tears are really useful for is abusing the Great Spin hidden skill for ridiculous damage, or somethin' like that. Otherwise it's just a blue potion.

I was not a man then, now that you mention ill have a crack at it.

Ahah! Growin' some balls, eh? Good luck bro, tell us how it goes.

I think I'll also take a shot at the CoO again, I hear that quite a few of the rooms get more/deadlier enemies on the next run of it. Like the last room having four Darknuts instead of three. There's no way I'll have trouble though, since I've got every heart container now. :p
I've played through the cave a few times, and the slingshot is really useful.
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Do tell your secrets, Zanapher. =D

Went through the second run of the CoO just an hour ago, and it was still easy. I was still half asleep and it still wasn't an issue. :lol: Decided to see how the Magic Armor works, and it's not as broken as I thought; but with even just the 600 Rupee wallet, it still is. If I didn't use it, I might of used that second blue potion again.

****ing lol'd when
I found the postman is randomly at the end of the cave. How the **** did he get past the monsters, and around the obstacles like the statues you need the dominion rod to move? :lol:
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to use the slingshot effectively in the cave you have to pair it with the bomb arrows, when the enemies are bokoblins or the lizalfos. before you jump down to fight, shoot the slingshot at the ground somewhere in the center of the arena then immediately switch to the bomb arrows and fire away when they go to investigate the spot you shot at.
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Pssh. I just jump down and hack 'n slash them all up like a real man.

But really, that certainly is clever. So long as you've got all three bomb bags, that should kill off plenty of enemies. If the CoO was as hard as it's given credit for, that strategy would be pretty damn worthwhile.
I honestly can't remember much of anything from Zelda TP. I found it too forgettable compared to the rest of the Zelda's.

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