I have the most confusing problem(s) EVA!


WiiChat Member
May 28, 2011
Ok, So here is the deal. When I had first bought my Wii everything worked fine. A few months later, Nintendo released an update that screwed up my Wii. I can connect to the Internet, send messages, and use the Wii Shop Channel, but I can't play SSBB or Mario Kart Wii with my friends. About a year or so later I decided to jailbreak my Wii. Now before you say that the mod is the problem let me inform you that it is not. Anyways, everything was working fine, well except for the Internet prob, I had gotten Twilight Princess. Not for hacking purposes. I played it for a little bit and when it got to a certain cut-scene the game said it couldn't load. A few weeks later I decided to take it to ZIA Records by my house. They cleaned the disc as if it was brand new. I was able to play and beat the game. Just last night I was playing it again. I kinda got bored of it and decided to play Luigi's Mansion (Which is a GameCube game for those who don't know). I played it again today and beat it. I decided to play Twilight Princess again.It said it couldn't read the disc. I looked at the disc. It had a bunch of circular scratches on it. I did some research. I got some answers saying it could be the Wii itself. I put in some other games. They all loaded. I put Twilight Princess in again and it said "Disc could not be read". I tried cleaning the disc. It still didn't work. So to sum everything into 2 question they would be: What's with the Internet feature on my Wii? and Why won't Twilight Princess load? I also wanted to add that if my Wii is the problem then How do I fix it? Thank You for your time.
Avoiding the discussion of modding as its not allowed here on wiichat, if you are having problems with games not loading while others are, is zelda an actual game disc and is it for your wii's format?
It might all stem from nintendo half bricking your machine (modded wii and updating)
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Avoiding the discussion of modding as its not allowed here on wiichat, if you are having problems with games not loading while others are, is zelda an actual game disc and is it for your wii's format?
It might all stem from nintendo half bricking your machine (modded wii and updating)
Well, I'm sorry I didn't know I couldn't avoid it. Yes Zelda is an actual disc and it is for my Wii's format. (I bought it a GameStop, so I would assume....) Is my Wii scratching my disc? (btw i can play MK:Wii and SSBB but not over wi-fi connection)
Have you tried using cd lens cleaners it might help, when you take your games online what error code do you get (numbers)..... And gave you tried googling them, nintendo I believe lists a troubleshooting guide.
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Have you tried using cd lens cleaners it might help, when you take your games online what error code do you get (numbers)..... And gave you tried googling them, nintendo I believe lists a troubleshooting guide.
I have not tried lens cleaners, but I don't think I will need them because my Wii Sports disc is the most jacked up disc I own and it still works on the wii and LoZ:TP is as clean a whistle (almost) and it doesn't work. And for the second question I have not tried googling them but I have gone to the Nintendo Supports page. It basically told me to delete the connection and try it again and other basic troubleshooting things. I recently bought a Linksys E3000 but it is still doing the same thing. A friend of mine said that i had to change my modem/router into a gateway for my Linksys router to work. So I'm going to try that and see if it works.
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Ok, So here is the deal. When I had first bought my Wii everything worked fine. A few months later, Nintendo released an update that screwed up my Wii. I can connect to the Internet, send messages, and use the Wii Shop Channel, but I can't play SSBB or Mario Kart Wii with my friends. About a year or so later I decided to jailbreak my Wii. Now before you say that the mod is the problem let me inform you that it is not. Anyways, everything was working fine, well except for the Internet prob, I had gotten Twilight Princess. Not for hacking purposes. I played it for a little bit and when it got to a certain cut-scene the game said it couldn't load. A few weeks later I decided to take it to ZIA Records by my house. They cleaned the disc as if it was brand new. I was able to play and beat the game. Just last night I was playing it again. I kinda got bored of it and decided to play Luigi's Mansion (Which is a GameCube game for those who don't know). I played it again today and beat it. I decided to play Twilight Princess again.It said it couldn't read the disc. I looked at the disc. It had a bunch of circular scratches on it. I did some research. I got some answers saying it could be the Wii itself. I put in some other games. They all loaded. I put Twilight Princess in again and it said "Disc could not be read". I tried cleaning the disc. It still didn't work. So to sum everything into 2 question they would be: What's with the Internet feature on my Wii? and Why won't Twilight Princess load? I also wanted to add that if my Wii is the problem then How do I fix it? Thank You for your time.

Derp... You like jailbreaking your Ipod.
Do you mean, HACKING your wii?
Eh, who cares, because I as well hack my wii.
If I was you, I would just trade in that game and get another.
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Ok, So here is the deal. When I had first bought my Wii everything worked fine. A few months later, Nintendo released an update that screwed up my Wii. I can connect to the Internet, send messages, and use the Wii Shop Channel, but I can't play SSBB or Mario Kart Wii with my friends. About a year or so later I decided to jailbreak my Wii. Now before you say that the mod is the problem let me inform you that it is not. Anyways, everything was working fine, well except for the Internet prob, I had gotten Twilight Princess. Not for hacking purposes. I played it for a little bit and when it got to a certain cut-scene the game said it couldn't load. A few weeks later I decided to take it to ZIA Records by my house. They cleaned the disc as if it was brand new. I was able to play and beat the game. Just last night I was playing it again. I kinda got bored of it and decided to play Luigi's Mansion (Which is a GameCube game for those who don't know). I played it again today and beat it. I decided to play Twilight Princess again.It said it couldn't read the disc. I looked at the disc. It had a bunch of circular scratches on it. I did some research. I got some answers saying it could be the Wii itself. I put in some other games. They all loaded. I put Twilight Princess in again and it said "Disc could not be read". I tried cleaning the disc. It still didn't work. So to sum everything into 2 question they would be: What's with the Internet feature on my Wii? and Why won't Twilight Princess load? I also wanted to add that if my Wii is the problem then How do I fix it? Thank You for your time.

Derp... You like jailbreaking your Ipod.
Do you mean, HACKING your wii?
Eh, who cares, because I as well hack my wii.
If I was you, I would just trade in that game and get another.
I payed 50 bucks for that game. If I can get it fixed then I am going to! Also, what if it is not the game but the system itself?
Ok, So here is the deal. When I had first bought my Wii everything worked fine. A few months later, Nintendo released an update that screwed up my Wii. I can connect to the Internet, send messages, and use the Wii Shop Channel, but I can't play SSBB or Mario Kart Wii with my friends. About a year or so later I decided to jailbreak my Wii. Now before you say that the mod is the problem let me inform you that it is not. Anyways, everything was working fine, well except for the Internet prob, I had gotten Twilight Princess. Not for hacking purposes. I played it for a little bit and when it got to a certain cut-scene the game said it couldn't load. A few weeks later I decided to take it to ZIA Records by my house. They cleaned the disc as if it was brand new. I was able to play and beat the game. Just last night I was playing it again. I kinda got bored of it and decided to play Luigi's Mansion (Which is a GameCube game for those who don't know). I played it again today and beat it. I decided to play Twilight Princess again.It said it couldn't read the disc. I looked at the disc. It had a bunch of circular scratches on it. I did some research. I got some answers saying it could be the Wii itself. I put in some other games. They all loaded. I put Twilight Princess in again and it said "Disc could not be read". I tried cleaning the disc. It still didn't work. So to sum everything into 2 question they would be: What's with the Internet feature on my Wii? and Why won't Twilight Princess load? I also wanted to add that if my Wii is the problem then How do I fix it? Thank You for your time.

Derp... You like jailbreaking your Ipod.
Do you mean, HACKING your wii?
Eh, who cares, because I as well hack my wii.
If I was you, I would just trade in that game and get another.
I payed 50 bucks for that game. If I can get it fixed then I am going to! Also, what if it is not the game but the system itself?

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