True or False


Next poster was active on the original "The One Thing That Would of Made Brawl Perfect" thread.
I remember the thread. Storm posted his movesets there. I will search for them later. unless that was not the original. Anyway Batman, Altair, and Ezio would have made Brawl over perfect.

The next poster's guts have steered him wrong.
True on so many occasions as in my gut is like "DO IT!" and im like "Naw..."

Next poster doesn't actually know me from pre-apocalypse times.
True, Pi has no ending (from what i've heard) so its a true false type of deal here.

Next poster wants me to become a brony...(shoot me)
False I'm not really one anymore I'm just lasy to change it.
Next poster hates soda

Next person doesn't stereotype a Scotsman as a haggis eating, kilt wearing ginger person that works on a farm in a grassy field.
True I have a couple Scottish friends. The next person has never been to New York City
Duh True that was to easy and yes I have seen the light.The next poster is a :burgerking: fan
False...for I am a fan of :bacon: and you can blame Sho (who isn't here...) for that.

Next person loves watching me get destroyed by CK in the dodge the mods thread.
False, im ****ing chill man.

The next person has read at least one conversation between me and CK.

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