True or False

true true,,but it's the GC version..
next poster has Mario 64 on VC and the original Nintendo 64
true, i was a baby and some kid sat on me
next post has beaten pokemonpearl or diamon
true....poe, tinkywinky, depsy, and lala.....i use to watch it with my niece....:lol:

next post is shocked that i answer true to that

next post fav show growing up was Thunder Cats
Again witht he Thundercats? and was El Chavo del Ocho!!

next poster uses glasses

next poster had (and still has) a crush on Cheetara
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el-zilcho said:
true drink from .

nxt poster knows all of the names of the thundercats


True ...Lion-O, Panthro, Tygra, Cheetara, WillyKit, WillKat, Snarf

Next Post can name all the Masters Of The Universe

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