To my mate Icetrash,

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WiiChat Member
Aug 5, 2006
Australia, Perth
Wii Online Code
Hey, u guys are all my friends and i think u guys including icetrash (so dont say im taking sides) took it a bit too far. I mean, i dont think its really that big of a deal if someone doesnt agree with something. I would repeat wat he had to say but im not going to because i dont agree with it and i dont think it needs to be posted but he told everyone that he will see them on the wii online and his username will be icetrash. There still is a chance that he might come back but i doubt it. Icetrash is a cool guy u know, he just got a bit too queer with Krool. If he comes back, everyone should forget what ever happened, i dont want to see this happen to anyone on this forum.

Bye Bye, Icetrash, your Mate m7ticalm.
(hope u come back)
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Ok this is wat happened, him ganandorf, wolf and sasuke had a fight. It got crazy out of hand. Everyone was saying that everyone had dicks on their heads, im not taking any sides ok! Everyone was too defensive against who they wanted in SSBB, icetrash obvioulsy wanted Krool and everyone was saying thats queer. Eventually it was just cursing and threatening and he just got sick of it and posted the same thing in like 12 threads which got him a posting ban. He said who he hated and who he liked and that he will see everyone on wiiconnect24.
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sasuke747 said:
Yeah, I did go to far aswell. I should just stayed out of it :/]
Dont worry, wat has happened has happened. You cant change it, it wasnt your fault, someone should have stepped in a bit earlier. He was saying bad things about u guys aswel so really it was his fault aswel but i dont think it should have gone that far.
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I just got an update from him, his attitude towards wiichat has become very hostile. I think that if he comes back hes gonna spam. He said to me
"but i cant....ive got to stand my ground not walk out like a coward!"
"ive got to show my support for k.rool!"
So if he comes back, he will just spam until ban, still he is definately getting a wii.
lol he sounds like someone I know from Narutofan it's this kid like 9 years old and he has his Username as Charmander, then He was bullied and asked for advice then he Said "I cant back down, Charmander Would never back down!" xD it was funny :p

oh yea m7ticalm do you have msn?
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