to mod or not to mod that is the Question

rtr1900 said:
?? I am sure Nintendo will do the same as Microsoft did. It will ban all internetusers who have a MODChp installed. It isn´t difficult to know if your Wii has a MODChip or not. So as soon as your Wii connects to the Internet Nintendo will ban you.....

And also, as previous stated in other messages, if you have all the games, do you really apreciate every game? I don´t think so.

But let us make a deal, when you are banned from the internet, please post message so we all can laugh at all you people who have modded there Wii.....:smilewinkgrin: :smilewinkgrin:
Actually WiiKey isn't like the XBox chip... The system itself doesn't detect that it's modded. So there's no chance of nintendo doing anything like Microsoft.

And also I do appreciate games. I just don't want to spend a hundred dollars on a game (I am not making this up. I live in iceland and it DOES cost that much!!). I didn't mod just for the free wii games. The homebrew feature is awesome, you can write a disc with media files (video and audio), also games from old consoles who we may never see on Virtual Console.
Also America gets games long before europe. It's no way I would wait 5 months for a mario game, or BRAWL!!

Hope you understand, I don't want to start a fight or anything!
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In cases like this, pirating the games are in my opinion, okay. Why should someone have to pay so much for a game, because they live somewhere. Some people might even consider that racism.
i have a mod chip installed and no problems at all! just the everybody votes channel was stuffed but when i deleted the data it was fine. no worries.
Well. You all should think about it. Is it worth the risk or what?
Me? I think it is fun with free games but, after you have played a bit, the game will become boring, right? Right? But if you buy it, you know you used youre own money on it and then, like my Loz: Tp, you dont want to finish it before you got: max money, max life, maybe even max ammo i dont know what type of game it is.

Take this advice from a Norwegian guy,
dont buy a chip and mod your wii!
Well. You all should think about it. Is it worth the risk or what?
Me? I think it is fun with free games but, after you have played a bit, the game will become boring, right? Right? But if you buy it, you know you used youre own money on it and then, like my Loz: Tp, you dont want to finish it before you got: max money, max life, maybe even max ammo i dont know what type of game it is.

Take this advice from a Norwegian guy,
dont buy a chip and mod your wii!
I would not, there is really no need to, and plus the Wii updates don't allow modding to work properly, they end up bricking your system etc.

Here we go!

Q1: Mod-chips make your Wii stop working.

A1: Let me start by explaining something essential about the Wii mod-chips. In normal circumstances (without a mod-chip installed) when you insert a disc (GameCube or Wii game) in the console then the disc-drive will read the data on that disc and sends that data to the Wii motherboard, the actual console! If you put a copied game in the drive then the disc-drive simply 'recognise' this burned disc and refuses to read the data. It will send a message to the motherboard telling that 'he can't read the inserted disc', and the motherboard simply repeats this message on the screen.
Now we install a mod-chip on the disc drive. The mod-chip alters the behaviour of the disc drive (that is why people call it a drive-chip) and causes it to accept written media (burned disc). The mod-chip basically 'fools' the disc drive or instructs the drive to read what is on that disc no matter if it is burned or not. And so the disc drive goes to work. It reads the data and sends it to the motherboard. The mother board can't tell the difference between data that comes from a burned disc or a manufactured disc. It simply processes the data that is coming from the disc drive and therefor the Wii console can't ever know that a mod-chip is installed or not! This is called 'stealth' mode.

Since the Wii doesn't know there is a mod-chip on board it is impossible for it to make the Wii stop working because of it. However in the past there were a few issues that caused your Wii to be 'bricked'. But that was not because it 'recognised a mod-chip'.

Q2: What is a 'bricked' Wii?

A2: If your Wii is bricked then it means that the software in your Wii (the operating system) is stuck in an invalid operation. This means that all your hardware is fine and the actual Wii is not damaged! It is simply a software problem that can ONLY be resolved by Nintendo. Basically a bricked Wii won't work anymore. At all!

Q3: So how did the Wii got bricked then? (The famous Super Paper Mario issue).

A3: As you know the Wii is released worldwide in different regions. There is one for the Japanese market (the J-NTSC), the USA Market (U-NTSC) and the European/Australian market (PAL). NTSC and PAL are different types of producing graphics on televisions and monitors. If you have a NTSC Wii then you won't be able to play PAL games on it. But as soon as you instal a mod-chip you WILL be able to play most games from all regions on your Wii no matter what region!

A few months ago Nintendo released a game called Super Paper Mario for the NTSC consoles. But the PAL Wii's needed to wait for quite some months to get that game! (It has been released now for PAL too). So a few people that had their PAL Wii mod-chipped decided to burn the NTSC version of the game and play that one.
On the game disc, there was a new firmware update for the Wii console. If you insert the disc then a window would appear telling you to update the Wii console. The Game needs this update in order to play. But the update supplied on that disc is an NTSC update for NTSC Wii's! Some people updated this NTSC update on their PAL Wii, something that wouldn't ever be possible on a Wii without mod-chip because the console would simply reject the NTSC disc.
As you can guess, those PAL Wii's didn't like the NTSC update and got bricked because of it.
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i think won't mod my wii but i'll hate myself when i have to wait for game like a dickhead
It is worth it to mod your Wii.

actually Elfman is right its totally worth modding your wii. if you dont know how to solder then have a friend who knows this kinda stuff do it for you because if you dont know what your doing you can melt the motherboard thus killing your wii in the process. if you dont have a friend who can do that then go to a store that does that at most it can cost $40. Now when you do get your wii modded you can play all dvd and cd formats on the wii so if you buy a DVD that can hold 4.5-5gigs of memory you could probably burn about 8-15 gamecube games or more if im mistaken. so all in all its worth it to mod your wii.
i'd go for it.. basically for a number of reasons. ..

1. save money :yesnod:
2. if the game sucks... no biggie its only a backup pffft!:ciappa:


3. scratches are not a problem if you don't take care of your s*it.. just make a new copy. HA!:lol:

but it also has its consequences though... :shocked:

this could be your wii if you f*ck up -------->:sick:

and who knows how brutal nintendo will get with their "updates" :O
ToxicDemon said:
i'd go for it.. basically for a number of reasons. ..

1. save money :yesnod:
2. if the game sucks... no biggie its only a backup pffft!:ciappa:


3. scratches are not a problem if you don't take care of your s*it.. just make a new copy. HA!:lol:

but it also has its consequences though... :shocked:

this could be your wii if you f*ck up -------->:sick:

and who knows how brutal nintendo will get with their "updates" :O

I don't think Nintendo will go Microsoft on us.
More points:

HOMEBREW! That means FREE VIRTUAL CONSOLE. That isn't illegal. They aren't selling the roms!!

Bad points:
The only bad point that I see is bricking the Wii. But it can easily be skipped by not updating a game from another region. IF you have too update then just update the wii before you start the game for the first time :smilewinkgrin:

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Elfman said:
I don't think Nintendo will go Microsoft on us.
More points:

HOMEBREW! That means FREE VIRTUAL CONSOLE. That isn't illegal. They aren't selling the roms!!

Bad points:
The only bad point that I see is bricking the Wii. But it can easily be skipped by not updating a game from another region. IF you have too update then just update the wii before you start the game for the first time :smilewinkgrin:

but its really worth it. there are so many possibilities with homebrew that can be done. even with drill doctor(unless you know wii coding) the possibilities are endless.
I think it sounds cool, and would possibly think about doing this if I knew for a FACT that I'm not flushing $250 down the drain. So you guys that have done this keep posting!

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