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JAKE196 said:
Well pokemon isn't what it used to be but you still shouldn't be hatin on an 11 year old that likes pokemon. :frown2:
True. I personally think pokemon red/blue/green and pookemon silver/gold were the best 2 games. The pokemon creators slacked off on creativity after that.

wii2007 said:
for little kids

How old are you?
bln_f said:
True. I personally think pokemon red/blue/green and pookemon silver/gold were the best 2 games. The pokemon creators slacked off on creativity after that.
You are totaly right. (I have red,blue,yellow,gold and silver :p)
Whats pokemon green?
wii2007 said:
its just that some people in their teens
possible wiiman14
dont have nothing else to do
to weak for sports
im not a game freak
i do other stuff

I don't play pokemon you noob,
I am saying that people do...
PS: I am in hockey, soccer, football and tennis.
It's ok,we know your to weak for sports...
And the other things you do, hmmm (master.bates him self)
wii2007 said:
this thread has somehow become a
pokemon thread
mostly because bln f replied and someone started taking about pokemon

That person being you. You brought up my torchick signature and my spinda avatar.

wiiman14 said:
I don't play pokemon you noob,
I am saying that people do...
PS: I am in hockey, soccer, football and tennis.
It's ok,we know your to week for sports...

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