guess who

Barely anyone knows how to play this game. Like me, I don't know how to post pics.
Here's an idea:The same person will post the pics over and over, while everyone else only guesses. Anyone second this idea?
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you copy the url of the pic from the site you got it from, paste it here, and put
around the url. like this for example:
Adamquest64 said:
Barely anyone knows how to play this game. Like me, I don't know how to post pics.
Here's an idea:The same person will post the pics over and over, while everyone else only guesses. Anyone second this idea?

I'm sure they do. People who are playing this game, have been playing my game.
Thanks kai, it worked. Now I just need to learn how to distort the image.
Sorry for the double post
wtf happened to my image up there? I swear I had one. Btw, this game is obviously about to end. No one is posting pics. Laaame.

Okay, now my image is back. That was weird, sorry.
Also, is anyone actually going to name the character I posted?
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WiiWouldLike2Play said:
Reminds me of my game..
CRAP, I dunno. But it's yellow. Lol!

This is exactly what I was thinking...

Why don't you guys play Steph's (WiiWouldLike2Play) game? We all can clearly see that her version is much more organized and controlled. Everyone already understands the plot of her game as well unless they're new.

Sorry if I'm causing more work for you, Steph. I really think your blur game is much better then this.
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well if you dont like this game THEN DONT POST HERE!!!

sorry, it just makes me mad when people do that.
im new to this whole making your own thread thing so cut me some slack...
ARav989 said:
This is exactly what I was thinking...

Why don't you guys play Steph's (WiiWouldLike2Play) game? We all can clearly see that her version is much more organized and controlled. Everyone already understands the plot of her game as well unless they're new.

Sorry if I'm causing more work for you, Steph. I really think your blur game is much better then this.

Yeah, you made me bring my old thread back. I love that thread.

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