This Thread Suck Game

ahha ive seen my bros books. 9/10

This thread sucks worse then almost finishing a ten page essay and your comp shuts down on you during a storm
ahhh....the poor days of runescape...10

this thread sucks worse then a noob following you around saying '' doodz i diez in teh wilds. $$plez?"
hahaha so true...15/10
This thread sucks worse then spending your summer last year behind the comp ALL day playing Runescape.
lol i couldnt think of anything..

10, i'd be scared.

this thread sucks more than thinking you were gonna die, so you buy everything you ever wanted, and do everything you ever wanted, and ended up not dying when you thought so.
lol 700/10 that happened to a guy once were he was told he was gonna die and he lived his life to the fullest then was told it was a false diagnosis.

This thread sucks worse then playing paintball with no gear on

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