This Thread Suck Game

ha, i used to play that at a friends all the time, 8
This thread sucks more than all the people who use "then" instead of "than" in their post
Battles said:
Ok its pretty simple.......

Lets say Member 101 say's

This thread sucks more than stepping on dog poop

*See its pretty easy

then the next person below to post. rates it and then makes one for him self...

Rules are simple..
1. dont make fun of another member saying he sucks....not cool:shocked:
2.dont spam
3.dont try to sell something on here like free Wii points, etc
4. have a fun time...laugh a little...enjoy it..:lol:

so i'll go first

This thread sucks more than superman 64...:lol:
I see what you're HINTING, you're HINTING ME!!!This thread stinks more than the Chinese torture!!!
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  • #19
oh just saw you

hummm who would of

anyways this thread sucks more than you Girlfriend on PMS!!
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  • #21
HA 10 i totally rememebr that game!

this thread sucks more than that game called Bug if you can rememer it
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  • #25
lol.8.true but you do it free beers from time to time

this thread sucks more than the show Cheaters
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  • #29

this thread sucsk more than stepping on dog poo and it doesnt come off your shoe

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