Thinking of buying a Wii but...


WiiChat Member
Sep 19, 2009
Wii Online Code
I went to Best Buy and I was able to play Wii Resort. I was extremely disappointed. This game was WAY too easy. I barely tried and I was able to hit the golf ball way across the course and knock down most of the pins in bowling.

Are all Wii games this simple and easy? I was thinking about getting Zelda, one of the Mario games, Punch Out, and some type of sports game (I was thinking about Wii Resort until today). Now, I'm a bit discouraged.

I'm not a gamer by any means. I haven't owned a console since the original Xbox, and even then, I only played about once a month if that often. I was just looking for something to do in my spare time and thought that this would be much more fun than a 360 or a ps3 because of the controller. But how can it be fun when there is practically no challenge? Is this true for all or most of Wii's games?

I'm 22 years old, not a hardcore gamer, want something that is fun to play...and challenging. I will be playing this game alone and I like sports (especially basketball). What titles would you recommend? Which games make the best use of the remote?

I went to Best Buy and I was able to play Wii Resort. I was extremely disappointed. This game was WAY too easy. I barely tried and I was able to hit the golf ball way across the course

Did the ball go in the hole? What was the par for the hole? Some halls are very long par 5's, while some are shorter. What was the wind? It won't let you hit the ball further than you can in real life.

and knock down most of the pins in bowling.

Most people can do that. The goal is to knock them ALL down.
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Is there a way I can change the difficulty on Resort? Since I was at Best Buy, I was sort of having to rush because I didn't want to hog the demo. So I didn't get a chance to look for a way to change the difficulty.

In bowling, yes I realize that most people can knock alot of pins down as long as they can get the ball down the lane. The problem is, the way that I was using the controller, I shouldn't have been able to get the ball down the lane to begin with. In real life, it probably would have dropped directly in front of me or to the side of me without rolling very much. The whole thing was just too unrealistic. I don't think that the games accurately accessed how I was using the remote. If I'm bowling, I should have to do more than slightly flip my wrist to get a heavy bowling bowl down a lane. So that is why I asked, are all games on the Wii this simple to control? Which games make the best use of the controller?

I think I will go back today and test it out again, but as of right now, I don't think that I would get much enjoyment out of this console if the games don't require much effort.
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trust me, resort is extremely easy. only the crappy shovelware games are like that(sadly thats around 80% of the Wii roster)

get a wii, get Mario Galaxy, Zelda Twilight Princess, Metroid Trilogy, Mario Kart Wii, and Super Smash Bros Brawl.
i can guarantee that you'll be happy with most(if not all) the games.
If you live in the US I would wait until Sunday 9/27 to buy a Wii, because it will drop to $199. (

I enjoy the original Wii Sports and the Sports Resorts in a group, it is not so fun by yourself. It is fun to try and make pro and watch as the games, like Tennis, gets harder. 3rd party games are more fun like Tiger Woods and Grand Slam Tennis. You can play both of those online without using friend codes. I have not had any problems playing online like lag.

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