Advice for absolute newbie (old dude) on buying first wii console for exercise?


WiiChat Member
Nov 14, 2016
Where do I begin?....

As you will see, I know absolutely nothing about Wii.

I’m in my early 50's and in lousy physical shape and want something to help get me moving around, and am thinking that Wii Sports might be just the thing for me.

I’m trying to figure out what I need to buy to get started. I don’t want to buy something and then find out it’s worthless unless I buy a bunch of other stuff to go with it. And I hate buying something just to find out that I should have bought something else, although I don’t have to have the very newest version of something if an older version functions perfectly fine.

I don’t want something that is internet-based. I want something you can use without the internet.

All I have is a 32" Philips HDTV. (Also have an offline PVR to record shows and a blu-ray player but assume they are irrelevant.)

I see that I can buy a “Nintendo Wii Console Black with Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort” for $379.99 on Amazon.

If I buy that, will I have everything I need to play the Sports and Sports Resort games? If not, what else specifically would I have to buy to go with it?

If I buy it, is there some reason I’m going to regret buying it instead of something else?

Should I try to buy it used somewhere, or am I better off just getting it new? I don’t want to pay less and get something that doesn’t work.

Does it include enough for 2 people to play against each other simultaneously. Or do I have to buy some accessory for that? If so, what?

Is there a particular seller who is better to buy this from than say, Amazon?

Thank you for any constructive comments!
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You can get a Wii a lot cheaper than that, used ones can sell on the cheap, stores are trying to get rid of them, a place like Gamestop will only sell working ones

It usually comes with Wii sports, if not you can get a copy of that on the cheap

From what ive been told "Wii Fit plus" works great if you can stand easily, for that you need a balance board, they are normally packed together

For two people you will need to Wii controllers (Wiimotes) ideally with Motion plus

This site lists some good fitness games

Personally id see if theirs any easy yoga classes near by, I do one called DDP yoga and its sorted out all my past shoulder and knee problems, its the stretches that help a great deal
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Thank you DBloke! Your reply was very helpful. I didn't even know about "Motion plus" and wasn't sure whether there was such a thing as a working used console at a good price.

I looked at the Gamestop site, was a little confused about exactly what was included in some of their used packages. Then I searched Ebay and impulsively bought a Wii Console with Wireless Sensor, Motion Plus and Sports Resort for $100 from a seller with a lot of feedback and a 100% feedback rating. As far as I know, none of the Sports Resort games requires a balance board (?). I suppose I can later buy a balance board and some wii fitness games that needs it.

Yoga is probably a good idea too. Thanks again!

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