Thinking About Getting A Wii


WiiChat Member
Mar 17, 2007
I have about $300. I am kind of getting bored of my PS2 and am thinking about getting a Wii. Convince me to get a Wii and give me good reasons why it's better than a 360 and PS3.

I love tennis and I think there is big potential for a super tennis game on the Wii.

I am a 15 year old guy who mainly likes multiplayer games with my friends.

Convince me to get a Wii. Also, if I did get a Wii, what should I start out with?

I am thinking of getting:

Extra Wii-Mote
Zelda TP

Does that sound good? Also, how much does a Wii-Mote cost? Also, how much does a Wii Nunchuck cost?
i dont think we should make a "sales pitch" to you and convince you of this or that. just know that the wii is super fun, and make up your own mind.

wiimote = $40 US

nunchaku= $20 US
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Also, is there any chance in a price drop soon? Is it worth waiting a couple months or should I just try to get one as soon as I can?
There won't be any price drop soon. As high if a demand for the Wii's are, it'd be pretty stupid to have a price drop.
But though I have heard that they are making a DVD capable Wii that comes out this year. But also it hasn't really been anounced where its going to be released, so it might not even be released in certain places. It will cost a little bit more, thats also to take into consideration.
Also two new colors are coming out supposedly, black and red.
So if you really want to wait until the end of this year to get your hands on a different color or a DVD capable Wii, then wait, but if I were you, i'd just go get one right now.
xbox 360 is going strong and has more mature games. wii is fun if you dont mind its "style". Both are worth the money, the real question you need to ask yourself is which do you think will keep you occupied longer.

A friend of mine likes to hold parties where friends come over to game it out, the wii played much less over the 360. /shrug Take of that what you will.
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I'm not such a big fan of FPSs. I like them, but not enough to get a 360 I think though. I would have to get a lot more money too. With $300, I can get a Wii + TP. I can also save up $40 easily or get that from my parrents to get an extra Wii-Mote to play multiplayer Wii Sports. So, when will the new Wii come out with DVD? How much more will it cost? I don't care about the colors.
The Wii won't drop any time soon as because all the shops never have any in stock for over 1 day. If you enjoy multiplayer then get warioware and also Wii sports has good multi.
If you like multiplayer games with friends, then it sounds like you would want the Wii. The 360 I would recommend second. And with $300 you can't afford the PS3. I would only get one if you're willing to throw away a lot of money.

The Wii has the least powerful hardware but it has standardized motion sensing technology.
Wii will love you, vice versa. wii has all the franchises including soon to be final fantasy, metal solid gears, guitar hero, KH(mabey), and tons others. The controller is amazing no mess ups except a little in the early release. SSBB will rawk your world if you like any type of multiplayer, so will metroid prime 3 and mario party 8. If you like classic gameplay(which some wii games will have) it has gamecube backward compatiblity. Wii can download 20 years of nintendo games, plus sega and turbographix16 DS-Wii download and connection makes any DS global known. The wii has tons of fun channels for everyone. My once video game hating mom loves the vote channel. "This is so fun why don't you do this instead of those killing games." -wiitendo's mom

botom line- wii has everything all the other systems have and TONS more. I suggest you get. ;) :D ;)
RedProdigy said:
If you like multiplayer games with friends, then it sounds like you would want the Wii. The 360 I would recommend second. And with $300 you can't afford the PS3. I would only get one if you're willing to throw away a lot of money.

The Wii has the least powerful hardware but it has standardized motion sensing technology.

"The day of horsepower in video gaming is over" 1993 -shrirginu Marmachi. The PS3 is ****. xbox is for shooters only, no other games. Wii has some shooters like red steel, metroid prime 3(most hyped), and all the movie mixes and stuff in between.
LSkaiWalk said:
I'm not such a big fan of FPSs. I like them, but not enough to get a 360 I think though. I would have to get a lot more money too. With $300, I can get a Wii + TP. I can also save up $40 easily or get that from my parrents to get an extra Wii-Mote to play multiplayer Wii Sports. So, when will the new Wii come out with DVD? How much more will it cost? I don't care about the colors.

Thats only in japan late 07. Because its such a stupid idea(they think) and that most people already have DVD players, and computers. They will only release in japan if it hits big then it will go worldwide.

Nintendo- main people who make everything.
Nintendo of America- make stuff, mosy factories and produce more. HAL labs is here.
Nintendo of canada- just help make stuff.
Nintendo of colombia- I think they shut down last year.
Im not sure about European nintendo companies.

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