how much for all


WiiChat Member
Nov 28, 2010
USA< Kentucky
ok so im thinking of buying my kids a wii for christmas , ok im AM getting them one, but im wondering how much things are gonna cost all together. like the internet, the netflix ( read on the website its $8 per month) , the online playing together. actuall how much is it gonna cost me extra to get all the functions of the wii? is that per month or a yrs subscription? im a lil dumb when it comes to consoles im a pc player myself. hoping this will get my kids a lil active and help with my disabled parents range of motion. i considered a x box connects but thinking wii will be better... so if i get everything that wii offeres how much is it gonna burn me? and what all does it offer i have read sooo much its all confusing....thanks guys btw for helping me find answers.
you have your basic internet costs of course but apart from that the internet is free, you can buy points to download games on to ur wii but thats entirely optional.
you just need to have a wifi access point setup on your house if you do its all free if you want netflix its optional $8 a month isnt bad. and kinect on xbox360 will just cost you alot more. xbpx live subscription+kinect+the $60 games+the injuries youmight suffer....
The Consoles are $199.99 comes with 2 Games, Wiimotes cost around $39.99ea., Nunchuck $19.99ea. (Recommended for each Wiimote), Netflix Channel Download is free and requires I think a $8.99 unlimited Subcription to access the shows & movies via Wii Streaming. If you also want Virtual Console games such as SNES or N64 an additional $19.99ea. for Classic Controller Pros which are required for VC playback. If you have Gamecube controllers, then don't bother with the Pro Controllers which are also comptible with VC and Wii.
The Consoles are $199.99 comes with 2 Games, Wiimotes cost around $39.99ea., Nunchuck $19.99ea. (Recommended for each Wiimote), Netflix Channel Download is free and requires I think a $8.99 unlimited Subcription to access the shows & movies via Wii Streaming. If you also want Virtual Console games such as SNES or N64 an additional $19.99ea. for Classic Controller Pros which are required for VC playback. If you have Gamecube controllers, then don't bother with the Pro Controllers which are also comptible with VC and Wii.
what he said... but some wii controller based games can't use gamecube controllers, although most of them do.
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done for now

ok so i bought the console that included 2 games $200 and including those 2 i also got 10 games total $250 @ gamestop.. ouch but its for the whole family, i also bought a complete set of 1 controller $70, a bunch of controller covers, a fishing game for dad that included a controller cover $50, a charger and rechargable batteries for the 2 controllers $40, but i had my kids with me so they could choose the games, my 10 yr old picked one game was sing it for which now i have to go but the mic(later), and iCarley, lets dance was thrown in for free at GameStop ( only for that day and was last one in stock there)so guess i need the balance board also (later) ,my 13 yr old tomboy picked DBZ and Naruto (anime nut), my mom chose bowling, i personally had to have the sims 3 and i also got the 2000 wii points card $20. im hoping this gets the entire family up off their duffs and moving some at least, i thank you guys for all your help and suggestions im sure to have alot more questions in the future

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