There should be a HOME for Wii

Caliko said:
I think Nintendo doesn't allow ideas from the public in case of future lawsuits. You know how people are.

Anyways, maybe HOME will be a big disappointment and will just suck. As of right now we don't know.

I'm with you man I don't know but I really want to know why every one is so excited for it? I'm failing to see the big idea unless you where all fans of second life?
We should definatley have some kind of 'Home'. Even if its not as advanced as the PS3, id love to have an interactive world where miis can meet up and chat, play mini-games, have tournaments, etc, etc.

For example, you could have a chess match, a snooker table, Table football, the list goes on.
Fillieto said:
We should definatley have some kind of 'Home'. Even if its not as advanced as the PS3, id love to have an interactive world where miis can meet up and chat, play mini-games, have tournaments, etc, etc.

For example, you could have a chess match, a snooker table, Table football, the list goes on.

So basicly Wii sports or play 2 would crush this? Minus the chat...LOL
If Wii Sports had online it would crush Xbox Live and Halo 2 online.

"OMGZorZZ!! CaLiKo You so StOoPID! The HAlos OnLines Was HuGe!! And XbOX LiVe Is FTW!!!!"

Well first of all. Wii sports is a damn Worldwide addiction. Ranging from little 8 year old girls beating the hell out of their dads in boxing(check youtube) to actual organized senior citizen tournaments in bowling(check youtube)

Second of all, with Wii Sports online. It would encourage all the casual and hardcore gamers to jump into online gaming. Include those who never even heard of such a thing.

Third, and most importantly, Wii Sports is packed in with ALL Wii's. Meaning there is potential for over 20 million online players for a single game. Nintendo really missed an oppurtunity of a lifetime there.

Why show off your Mii's look, when you can show what it can DO?
Cal there will be a Wii sports 2 watch. Nintendo is just giving the 3rd parties a chance to make some money.....LOL
The problem with a Wii Sports 2 is that it won't be a pack in game. The reality is that no game on Wii will surpass the install base of Wii Sports. Not Brawl, Not Wii Fit, not any game. Simply because EVERY damn Wii comes with Wii Sports.

Nintendo could maybe pull a rabbit out of its a$$ and provide online for Wii Sports with a future firmware update. But it will be highly challenging since they didn't add online initially. I could only dream.