What does NINTENDO plan to do about PS HOME?

i want to know if you will be able to walk up to a bunch of people in playstation home and pick a fistfight :crazy:

maybe buy a gun and go round shooting people
then it will be just like America :yikes:
Nintendo has never been a follower and they will not start now.
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MasterJedi2U said:
Welcome to the forums and thank you for making a reasonable and well thoughout thread...as for your question I think that all sounds pretty good. But I don't know how much time I'd devote to it. I mean I already have a life. The reason I like the Miis is because they can do their own little thing while I play games and I can check up on them once in while you know? I sorta like not having to be involved 24/7 in the whole Mii channel.

You know, you're right. People do have lives and maybe they can make the Mii's more independent, give them some AI. You give them attributes like in Sims and that go about the Mii Online world making friends and reeking havoc. Next thing you know, your Mii has tattoos and is wearing tie-dye shirts.
MasterJedi2U said:
Welcome to the forums and thank you for making a reasonable and well thoughout thread...as for your question I think that all sounds pretty good. But I don't know how much time I'd devote to it. I mean I already have a life. The reason I like the Miis is because they can do their own little thing while I play games and I can check up on them once in while you know? I sorta like not having to be invovled 24/7 in the whole Mii channel.

wat do u mean by "do their own little thing" they dont do anything...everytime i go to mii plaza and parade they just walk around...why do u need to "check up on them". not tryin to bash u at all im just wondering if there is an option im missing out on.
abducted_again said:
You know, you're right. People do have lives and maybe they can make the Mii's more independent, give them some AI. You give them attributes like in Sims and that go about the Mii Online world making friends and reeking havoc. Next thing you know, your Mii has tattoos and is wearing tie-dye shirts.

was that a failed attempt at sarcasm? or are you serious? either way you're an idiot. and in reply to the initial question made by the thread starter, nintendo has no need to respond to this, its nothing but a dolled up chat room to me, i dont see the point in this, they make it sound like u can "show off" your apartment and stuff but its not like u have something other people cant obtain simply by clicking on it.
Bet Nintendo was already working on this, Nintendo already said they wanted to do alot mor with the Mii's. So who knows if Sony even gets this feature out before Nintendo. I mean look at the Wii vote channel no one knew about it, this Mii World could be another secret project.
i wouldnt get my hopes up, there are plenty of fun things to do on the wii without having to chat with eachother using virtual images of ourselves (or wat people wish they looked like)
i like the idea of a mii world,if you could play some online games against each other,like wii sports,then accumulate some points to trade in for virtual items to put in your virtual home.
scubasteve said:
i wouldnt get my hopes up, there are plenty of fun things to do on the wii without having to chat with eachother using virtual images of ourselves (or wat people wish they looked like)
yeah but I mean it would be cool and alot of people would use it, plus this could lead to making Wii Sports/Wii Play online
You know Second Life, where you have your character and you make virtual stuff and sell it for virtual money which can then be translated back into real money. And you buy a virtual house and you buy stuff for it. You know how everyone thinks, "Ha, this is stupid! Just go out and get a real life"?

How is this different to PSHome? As far as I know, it is almost a clone of Second Life, except instead of buying virtual objects off someone else, you buy everything from Sony.

I think its funny how everyone laughs at Second Life yet as soon as it is renamed and stuck on a $1000 games console, its the new biggest thing.
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abducted_again said:
If they could make it, it'd basically be Animal Crossing Online, Mii Style. And for some strange I loved that game. It'd have to be released as a game or some SD card game.

A version of the Sims is already coming out for the Wii. And it sounds to me that's kinda what you're talking about.

That would be cool if EA made a Sims game that let you export your Mii to it.
EA is who makes all the Sims games, right?
MysticGohan said:
/\ don't make fun of the Wii its a great system and it'll stay like that... i think PS Home is STUPID!! I WILL NEVER support it...

i agree, i personally think PS Home is rather lame. people are all jumping on the band wagon saying how cool it is and whatever, but it's just an online chat system from what i've seen. Virtual chat, with tedious tasks such as creating avatars and little "rooms and apartments" and whatnot to lounge in. i don't want to spend all my time on a game console talking with people, getting to know them and bringing them home to show them my furniture arrangement. that's what i do in REAL LIFE. i want to use the console to PLAY GAMES with that person after i've met them.

and i know you could argue that Home lets you meet people from far off you wouldn't otherwise meet, but i say who cares? I'd much rather play someone i could actually see and physically interact with (not sexually you pervs), not just some computerized image of what that person thinks/wishes they look like.

wave the banner of PS Home all you want, it's simply not for me. And frankly, IMO it just looks like Sony attempting to rip off another idea. They see the Wii and how much attention EVERYONE is giving the Miis... Gamers, gaming mags, developers, talk shows, the news and they say "Hey, we need something like that pronto! We need something to make avatars too because Nintendo's getting too much spotlight with this Mii thing! But make it do something different, so it doesn't seem like we ripped things off so much like we did with 'our' motion sensing 'idea'"

That may or may not be what went through there little heads, but it sure seems like it from my perspective.
PS Home looks like too much hard work!
I want to play games.? World of Warcraft on a console would be great fun. But honestly? walking about in my "virtual home" trying on diff clothes, meeting friends. THAT IS WHAT LIFE IS FOR... I'm not substituting meeting friends in a bar in real life for sitting glued to my f*cking ps3 showing off a trophy I got for beating Ridge racer on the hardest setting! (congratulations - you are a f*cking Retard!.. Thats what the trophy should say.. Anyhow I digress)...

Massive/regular multiplayer online is cool - its a game - games are cool and playing with friends is fun.
PS Home is for weirdo recluses who want to "live" in their PS3.

These forums are the most online conversing I need outside of a game. ;)
I really like your Mii world concept! Sounds cool! However, I wonder if it will slow down the machine. I was wondering if that is the reason why there are not too many options for Mii itself.