The World Asunder (Sign-Up and OOC Discussion)

I was posting based on the assumption that all the worlds tech was powered by seither. The radio waves bit I edited after receiving a pm from Giga. Radio waves have existed, but used differently than what Vin had discovered. I just thought with a source of power as abundant and powerful as seither, this world wouldn't have thought to use anything else. Vehicles, cellphones, all that I thought would be seither driven in this fictional world. That was the premise I built vins story off of. A guy who realizes that the worlds source of power is also the worlds biggest threat and he wanted to save the world in that sense.
Not sure if sarcasm or if really thinks seither is not important.
I think I cleared up most of the inconsistencies in my post. Besides, the "La March" background could provide a whole new dynamic for Vin. Maybe he'll see some glimpse of strangely advanced technology and question what he's doing, or why it was not only so easy, but why everyone tends to be so accepting of some loner scientist, while not embracing his results directly. He could go on some sort of transformative path of self-discovery, or even choose to hold a grudge against those who deceived him, and attempt to bring them down.

Furthermore, as Lennox was pointing out, basically everyone's using electrical equipment of some kind. Technology didn't completely halt because of seithr. It's not like society didn't invent gunpowder or guns themselves. I guarantee that Weidr's and Gale's guns are not familiars, and I doubt Ansa's is either. Influenced does not mean dominated throughout. Could you imagine if you had to bring all of your lights to a store to have them recharged every short while? Someone would've invented a better way, long before this rpg even takes place.
Too much IRL logic, needz moar suspension of disbelief.

And with that, the overly loud, probably annoyin' peanut gallery will shut his briny mouth on this matter.
They still invented the wheel in Middle-Earth, despite there being some wizardly dudes. People generally like The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, I've heard.
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Nah, I'm pretty sure worldbuilding is for the players in these things. So like, the GM makes the skeleton but things like individual islands or specific technology are just based on whoever introduces them first, then the other players build off of that. Like improv. So absent of what GigaRidley happens to think, Neosquid and Johaggis have been pretty clearly using electricity since the start. Also everyone's been using cell phones, which makes it pretty clear that radio waves got invented more than a couple weeks back. Also electricity I think, right? I think you'd need that to have electromagnetic-wave-based communication. I mean I don't know, maybe it's magic electricity. But if we already have that I think I'm gonna avoid buying stock in TeslaCorp.
Pretty much perfectly put.
So does that mean Vin is expanding the technological advances of Electricity if we already have it used in every day situations?
I... Honestly don't know what he's doing now. I had the wrong idea about how the world worked. I may have to scrap Vin altogether.
Clinging to a character by changing his story this early on isn't worth the hassle. I'll make a more fitting character that better compliments the RP. Between flying back to Washington and celebrating a late christmas it may take a few days though till I rejoin, so even more reason for a fresh start.
Naw, you can still make him work, I think.

Squid's right, when he presents "the power of electricity" to the King it could just be a new form of electricity, one that he's created or defensive systems and weapons like what you were going for right now with Vin. His storyline could still work it would just need to be modified a little bit to fit the fact that electricity is used in every day devices however this is assuming there are no electric based weapon systems such as turret defence grides, drones and sentient robot beings (which in itself is an extremely interesting concept and one I'd like to see stay in the RP).

If you wanna scrap him and make a new character that's fine though.
Here's hoping that I don't fail miserably with Citri's character. Also, I don't think she's been added to the OP's yet.
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Just put her in the OP dude. Also planning on experimenting with a few things we haven't tried before in WiiChat RPs. Information on said things forthcoming over the next few days.