the wiichat outreach.....

  • Thread starter The_Loose_Cannon
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Yeppers...not quite as bad as the "crimson wave" of that "something something aussie" guy. LOL...she got hammered for that one.


ha ha, can't rep either of ya.
LOL..... It was pretty recent. She banned a guy after he criticized her. In hindsight, it was mostly likely

That time of the month

Also, as you are new, you might not have seen some of chach's posts that I am referring to.
Brawny said:
LOL..... It was pretty recent. She banned a guy after he criticized her. In hindsight, it was mostly likely

That time of the month

Also, as you are new, you might not have seen some of chach's posts that I am referring to.

Sorry im still a little lost, despite your explanation.

Going by the spoiler are you sugesting that the comments i have made have been of the same ilk? If so can you please refer me to the post in which i made such a comment!

I think its disingenious and less than circumspect for you to infer that any of my comments have been of a sexist nature.

Just to re-iterate none of my comments have been in reference to anyones gender and i do not appreciate you metaphorically placing words in my mouth.
Oh well I am glad This affair (doesnt sound right) With Lee and Jill has been sorted out and now we can go back to looking on the bright side of life.
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funky gibbon-

thank you for starters. i appreciate that you have taken the time to put forth your opinion on this thread. see everyone thinks that they cant share their opinions weither it be negative or positive. and brawny youre my friend and all but you dont know how to interpret things. i can defend myself but at this time, what am i defending? funky gibbon has been nothing but understanding. he feels though because we all argue that we are in a sense acting like a disorganized family which again hes right lol. as dysfuntional as we are, we have to take the good with the bad. so no matter how many people we cant stand and would easily backstab probably in a heartbeat, we all just have to bite the bullet and be kind. hell, right about now i can give you a list of people i have a "beef" with. its probably as thick as the bible. it may not pertain to only here but ill tell you there are deffinitly people out there that really "grind my gears"

what i wrote about lee being the weakest link is true. he knows it and ive told him. i didnt tell him in a brash way, i told him because friends tell other friends their flaws. whats the point of having friends if they cant tell you the truth? if you cant point the finger at yourself? see my point? and like i said he knows it but unfortunitly has problems addressing it so he types curses and lashes out at ANYONE who feeds im anger back.

i still say he needs therapy and im saying that out of compassion and fear for his own life since many of you may know, ive seen and talked people out of jumping/killing themselves. its my job.

i may save lives out there but it still hits me in my heart ya know.

so bottom line, funky youre right but this thread isnt a call out thread and its not a pitty thread. many of you think its just that but its an outreach just like i wrote. i want people to feel a sense of relaxation here. i want them to realize its only the internet. there are so many sites out there that can prevent you from comming to this one and many other forums to visit besides the lounge.

all the wiichat members i know here usually post in a specific forum section. some just by chance migrate into another.

i dont want lee to say "wiichat made me kill myself" because of members that fight via the internet....come on now....
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kira hes fine, hes at home and school is over with so its summer vacation for him. hes parents are there as well and im sure they are watching him and whatnot.

he has a one month ban so please read. hell be alright.
so he's cool then, thank god, anywayd, he will come back, wont he, if he dosent im gona make him, by using my verry persuasive technique which i call the "strangling nethod" does exactly what it says on the tin
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yeah im currently at the other halfs place right now....yes yes yes we kissed and made up...go figure. but anyways all my uniforms are here so i am doing laundry and taking care of the dogs so i dont have MSN on this computer at this time.

if you do talk to him, tell him hi and whatnot. he might be in hiding thats my guess if it appears hes not online

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