the wiichat outreach.....

  • Thread starter The_Loose_Cannon
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  • #91
Chewitt said:
Whoa ! I don't recall saying i despised the kid just found him highly irritating and a bit much, thats all.

As for Chach well what would be considered to be the final straw was nothing, regardless of weather he'd been banned previously it DID NOT warrant a permanent ban.

well in a nut shell, i used the wrong word probably but i know you dont like him.

and chach, well since day one all us mods have been neg repping him and turning his one green block of rep to grey. then he was post banned for reasons i dont know unfortunitly and then he just got on my nerves by showing not a care on here and his negative optimism just got to me. he has a habit of posting irrelevent content.

what else is left really? when post banned for a week isnt enough? another for a month or longer? kind of a waste if you ask me. plus he made a dupe account. dupe accounts constitute as a big no no

and ah crap i just realized....I DOUBLE POSTED! :yikes:
The_Loose_Cannon said:
miiguy you didnt know me before a mod HAHAHHAHAH i was THE go to person when everyone had a problem. except i was worse, i could actually open my mouth. now i push the buttons silently.

ask ANYONE around here before i was a mod and theyll tell you, i was just as ruthless and youre damn right im proud that people are afraid of me :D know why? because it prevents them from screwing up and staying around here longer <3
I respect your ego. Doesn't make you always correct though. I sometimes miss my faults due to the large chip on my shoulder, but there are always two sides to any story, yet you start a thread wanting only one. Hardly a true reflection now is it?

I can already tell from your last post you are not as agressive towards me than your first. It's nice to know your taking some of what I said in at least.
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  • #94
miiguy said:
I respect your ego. Doesn't make you always correct though. I sometimes miss my faults due to the large chip on my shoulder, but there are always two sides to any story, yet you start a thread wanting only one. Hardly a true reflection now is it?

I can already tell from your last post you are not as agressive towards me than your first. It's nice to know your taking some of what I said in at least.

im not as hard ass as you think. some people read my posts as arrogent and bitchy to say the least. if you talk to me outside of wiichat there is less structure so i am more loose (no pun intended). i am not as "strict". i think people already think that because i have that mod power that i am just comming off as robo cop but like i said, im far from aggressive. anyone will tell you that here (for the most part)

again, did you not read the purpose of this thread? i just want people to chill and stop harassing one another. whats so hard about that? really? cant you just avoid one another? or just not pick on an easy target? we all know how i feel about lee and those with superiority complexes always prey on the weak....
The_Loose_Cannon said:
again, did you not read the purpose of this thread? i just want people to chill and stop harassing one another. whats so hard about that? really? cant you just avoid one another? or just not pick on an easy target? we all know how i feel about lee and those with superiority complexes always prey on the weak....

I can see the want and need in life to be just nice I suppose.
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The_Loose_Cannon said:
those with superiority complexes always prey on the weak....

I agree with that statement entirely, however if you also understand this then why start this thread in the first place?

Surely you must have realized that you are bringing a persons weakness under the spotlight and inviting comment, you must have understood that some of the comments would invariably be negative (regardless of your request for the thread to be positive only). I just cant work that out, theres a contradiction in your actions that i cannot resolve in my own mind and you really cant be that nieave.

Even if those who had wanted to make negative comments had refrained from doing so this thread could hardly be considered to have done Lee any favors. Those who like him will sympathize, be compassionate and offer words of support. However those who don't like him will regard him as weak willed, lacking in self control and seeking attention. In short you have merely polarized the opinions people have of lee to a greater extent, which has not really brought any greater happiness to the forum.

All your talk of acting like a family in this case is accurate, but not quite in the way you intended. The members in this thread have acted like family members in as much as they have differing opinions and some don't like each other very much. That sounds like an accurate description of a family to me.

As for acting like a community, then i don't know where you live but where i come from the different sections of our community don't always see eye to eye. So i would say the members have acted like a community in this case as well.

I hope you realize that i write this without prejudice towards yourself, i am only stating my own take on the events. As for the banning that took place, that was entirely your choice, however considering what was said it in my opinion it really didn't warrant such an over reaction(regardless of the persons previous bannings).
lol...which banning are you talking about?

Chach was asking for it long before this one.

Lee requested it.
The_Loose_Cannon said:
miiguy you didnt know me before a mod HAHAHHAHAH i was THE go to person when everyone had a problem. except i was worse, i could actually open my mouth. now i push the buttons silently.

ask ANYONE around here before i was a mod and theyll tell you, i was just as ruthless and youre damn right im proud that people are afraid of me :D know why? because it prevents them from screwing up and staying around here longer <3

I do not fear you !

Muahahahaha !

*Oh crap she banned me. :yikes: *
Brawny said:
lol...which banning are you talking about?

Chach was asking for it long before this one.

Lee requested it.

I was talking about Chach.

Regardless of past offences surely each offence must be considered on its own, if things arent looked at in that manner then it could be argued that personal prejudice was used as a basis for the events that took place.

That of course is my opinion, yours may be different and if so then we will have to agree to disagree.
every offense looked at separately?

So the guy in my church who went in for his 8th DUI shouldn't get harsher treatment than the first timer?
There are a few people on this forum who I feel, regardless of whether I like them or not, make the forums. Lee is one of those people and the forum won't be the same without him. I can't pretend to know what he's going through, but I know that there's a bunch of people here who don't know him in real life that would do their bit to help him. I refuse to believe that anyone on this forum is so callous that they would refuse to help a fellow human being when he needed support, regardless of their feelings to the individual.

Following up with supporting people, unlike Lee I wasn't too fond of Cach... but I still do not think that his post warranted a permaban, regardless of past actions. He may of done something later that warranted the ban, but this was not it. (That being said I think creating the account 123 justifies a permaban, but that is beside the point)

Finally I think TLC seems a bit put upon. In addition to being a maverick cop who forced to work with a by the book partner (possibly) she's taken it upon herself to try and help lee, wii_brendo and anyone else on this forum. I think this is a true testament to her character, and she still finds herself getting a lot of shtick. While I'm not afraid of her and I don't necessarily agree with her decisions (Cach) I think that wii the people should let her know how appreciated she is.

So in summary: Thanks for doing your bit TLC; and Lee, you're diamond and the forums won't be the same while you're gone!
Haz said:
I miss ABC - it times like these I wish he was still posting on the forums!

LOL, I just got here a week before he was banned. I did some research on his posts then.....:lol:

How about vagrant, Kamikaze, and csiguy4you?
Brawny said:
every offense looked at separately?

So the guy in my church who went in for his 8th DUI shouldn't get harsher treatment than the first timer?

Are you suggesting that because someone has been banned previously then you should regard every remark they make as worth of a ban, in effect that there should be arbitrary decision based on past posts? That type of thinking can only be described as prejudicial.

Really if you look at his post can you really say that a ban was justified for those remarks? At best his post could be described as ill advised or flippant, but if you compare it to some the personal attacks that took place in this thread then in my opinion its hard to argue that his remarks deserved a permiban.

I don't think I'm being unfair towards TLC if i say that my impression is that she acted in the heat of the moment, were all human and capable of getting rilled and acting harshly.

But thats just my opinion.

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