The Wii Light Gun

MaxCapacitor said:
It was just a prototype shown at E3 '06, it doesn't mean they're definitely going to put it into production. Nintendo hasn't put out any official press release about it.

If you look at it closely, it's just a modified nunchuk attachment with the wii remote slid into the attachment's cradle.

looks like there isn't much room to plug in the nunchuck either as your trigger finger would be in the way
s9am_me said:
looks like there isn't much room to plug in the nunchuck either as your trigger finger would be in the way

You wont need to plug in the nunchuck, the analogue stick and buttons will be integrated.
Kingsland said:
You wont need to plug in the nunchuck, the analogue stick and buttons will be integrated.

it's not a rumour, it's in production, the remote and the nunchuk both slide in, with the joystick sticking out to obviously allow players to move whilst the B button on the back of the Remote will be the trigger after it has slotted in.
Here's another picture of that same "Wii gun" (it's not a light gun, contrary to this thread's title) below, but from a top angle.

Notice how the Wii remote and the modified nunchuk attachment are distinctly 2 separate peripherals connected to each other. The attachment is also missing a C button though. Can never have enough buttons, I say.

And also, I really doubt this very prototype is in production. It's not very ergonomic. The attachment is incredibly bulky and boxy compared to the wii remote and the original nunchuk attachment. In fact, you can see the grip sticking out, which are signs of poor or rushed construction.

Something to add to the rumor mill - there's word that Capcom will have their own "wii gun" for the Wii version of Resident Evil 4.


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I just got my WII Gun... Its amazing....

Ok so maybe i got sick of waiting on nintendo so i fiberglassed my own case.
this wii gun thingy looks cool, but how would they use it.for example in call of duty, you need todo those manuvers for play charges and that then, when a german comes out of no where and gfrapbs your gun, you need to fight him off, it would be a bit difficult don't you think. and for redsteel how would you use your swords. that's my point. unless they start making games that will allow you to use the wii gun to its full potential, I don't think you wan to be pulling you thing apart if you had to do a fist fight or something. but if they did make the game that would work with the gun, then of course I would buy it

.......................huh huh out of breathe sory for the long
Axtlar said:
they are making one like this but more like a shot-gun style for Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles
ha, ya right, the thing about that game is that you never get to use a gun, its all about finding things in the environment to damage enemys with, so ya, this is still a rumor anyway
Wii_BrEnDo2007 said:
this would be really good hope it comes out for metroid
In my opinion, I would prefer playing metroid with just the Wiimote and the nunchuk, because samus doesn't use a pistol, she uses an arm cannon and when she shoots she keeps her arm straight, that's why I think the wiimote suits better for the role... though I really would like playing other fps games with an attachment like that

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